


Version 5.0 is now stable with all the screenshots from the new Isle of Thunder achievements! Thanks everyone for providing the correct coordinates!!!!

As featured on WoW Insider!

This addon requires TomTom to work.

This is a very simple addon designed to input the waypoints, based on your current zone, into TomTom to aid you with completing the Lorwalkers achievements. As of version 4.3, LDB support was added to easily manage the addon.

Translators Needed

I am currently going through the addon and cleaning up the phrases used to make it easier to translate into another language/locale.

I would like this addon to work on all available WoW locales, so if you're willing to translate some phrases go here. Of course if you do translations you will be given the proper credit you deserve.


It takes quite a bit of time on my part to develop and maintain these addons, as well as provide support for them. Any help you can provide financially, to show your appreciation for my work is great appreciated by me.

Chat Command

  • /lorewalkers or /lw
    • config - Open Configuration WIndow
    • help or ? - Print Help
    • toggle - Toggle the Waypoints
    • reload - Reload the Waypoints.
    • zone - Print the number of criteria remaining for your current zone.
    • reputation or rep - Print Lorewalkers Reputation Status
    • criterias <id|name> or criteria <id|name>
      • If you provide an achievement name to look up you must put it in quotes.
      • For Example: /lw criteria "The Seven Burdens of Shaohao"
    • rlcriterias or rlcriteria - Reload Criteria Information
      • This is useful sometimes when you are having issues with the addon.
    • achievements or achieve - Print Lorewalkers Achievement Progress

For help with Onyx Eggs (Order of the Cloud Serpent) check out Cloud Serpent!
For help with Dark Soil check out Dark Soil!
For help with Is Another Man's Treasure check out Finders Keepers!