Lost Treasure Check

Lost Treasure Check



As of today (13 APR 2015) I have ceased development on this addon. I started working on adding the Spires of Arakk data today, but I didn't get very far. The main issue is the amount of time it takes to add all the items as well as the lack of complete information I'm able to find. As you may have noticed, there are items from some zones that never get marked as completed when you run the check. This is because I could not find the QuestID for that treasure from Wowhead, Wowpedia, WoWdb, etc so the addon has nothing to compare against. Additionally, there are other addons that have surpassed mine in functionality (such as HandyNotes_DraenorTreasures), as well as the built-in treasure maps provided through Archaeology and garrison missions. So, essentially, this addon no longer addresses a specific need, and I don't feel it's worth the further time investment.

It's been a great experience for my first add-on and I may write something again in the future. I have a few neat ideas I'm experimenting with. If you'd like to take over this add-on feel free to contact me through a PM. I've designed the addon so that adding items doesn't require any changes to underlying logic (in fact, items are in a separate .lua file), so entering the data isn't difficult, just tedious.



This addon will print a list of all the rare treasures split up by zone, whether or not you've collected the items, and with links to the lootable items where applicable. It can also add waypoints to the known spawn points of treasures you've not yet collected on that character provided you've already installed TomTom.


/ltc - Shows only treasures not yet looted on the current character from all zones
/ltc all - Shows all treasures, including ones already collected, on the current character from all zones
/ltc zone - Shows only treasures not yet looted on the current character in the current zone
/ltc zone all - Shows all treasures, including ones already collected, on the current character in the current zone
/ltc wp or /ltc waypoint - Adds all currently missing items from the current zone to TomTom's waypoint list (Requires TomTom)
/ltc wp clear or /ltc waypoint clear - Clears all current TomTom waypoints with confirmation dialog.

Short-term Plans:

Adding in Warlords of Draenor treasures. Current progress:

  • Shadowmoon Valley
  • Lunarfall (Garrison phase)
  • Frostfire Ridge
  • Frostwall (Garrison phase)
  • Gorgrond
  • Talador
  • Spires of Arak
  • Nagrand

Long-term Plans::

  • Display the text output in a custom window
  • Create some kind of table UI so you can see all your characters and their progress at once


Inspiration credit to Wowhead user lintsu.