Lovely Rolls

Lovely Rolls

For the Raid Leader who puts loot up for roll in raid.

Simply do '/rw roll [linked item]' (The 'roll' is not case sensitive) and a 30 second timer starts. Every '/roll' during the timer will be recorded, and the highest will win.

The addon will give a raid warning for the last five ticks, as well as announce the winner with one of the many funny messages pre-written into the addon.

No one can roll twice, and rolls are scaled to 1-100.

A very simple addon, that saves a bit of hassle :-)

Extra commands:

  • Roll for more winners if there are more than one drop of item (ex. /rw roll2 for two winners).
  • Do /lovely_cancel, /lovelycancel, /lovcancel or /lcancel to cancel a roll.

Upcoming Features:

  • Settings interface - adjust timing and custom comments.
  • Ordered list of the rolls for Raid Leader, to easily identify runner-up.
  • Logs - ex. stats so you can see what you roll on average.

Please comment any suggestions or if you run into problems!