Low HP Alert (re-updated)

Low HP Alert (re-updated)


The original author and owner status:


Registered User
Member for 15 years, 5 months, and 26 days
Last active Sun, Sep, 16 2018 05:32:32

 The Author


Registered User
Member for 12 years
Last active Sat, Dec, 30 2017 20:20:56


updated by: thereal_zapp


- Extremely lightweight, accurate and fast
- Alerts with a big font and custom audio files
- Tank Edition supports only 30% HP
- Audio files are designed like aircraft cockpit announces -"beep beep fifty"
- Audio alerts are played even if sounds are disabled (played on master audio channel)
- Works with every language

/lowhpalert - shows all commands
/lowhpalert tankmode - only alerts at 30% HP (good for tanking)
/lowhpalert combatmode - only play alert sounds in combat
/lowhpalert sound - turn off all sounds
/lowhpalert text - turn off all text messages

Options are saved for each character.