LS: Toasts

LS: Toasts


Lua Error in 10.1

wheatbread opened this issue · 1 comments


Hi, getting the following error in 10.1 on retail, using version 100100.01:

8x ls_Toasts/systems/world.lua:109: attempt to compare number with nil [string "@ls_Toasts/systems/world.lua"]:109: in function <ls_Toasts/systems/world.lua:30> [string "@ls_Toasts/systems/world.lua"]:167: in function <ls_Toasts/systems/world.lua:158> [string "@ls_Toasts/systems/world.lua"]:181: in function func'
[string "@ls_Toasts/core/core.lua"]:35: in function <ls_Toasts/core/core.lua:33>

isUpdate = false
questID = 75705
name = "Monument Maintenance"
moneyReward = 0
xpReward = 0
numCurrencyRewards = 0
itemReward = nil
toast = LSToast1 {
0 =
IconText2 = FontString {
BG = Texture {
TextBG = Texture {
Arrow5 = Texture {
IconBorder =

SetLeavesVertexColor = defined @ls_Toasts/core/toast.lua:500
IconHL = Texture {
Bonus = Texture {
Arrow4 = Texture {
Leaves =
Slot1 = Frame {
IconText1BG = Texture {
Release = defined @ls_Toasts/core/toast.lua:320
Spawn = defined @ls_Toasts/core/toast.lua:305
ShowLeaves = defined @ls_Toasts/core/toast.lua:484
Glow = Texture {
Slot5 = Frame {
Arrow3 = Texture {
Skull = Texture {
Dragon = Texture {
SetBackground = defined @ls_Toasts/core/toast.lua:378
Border =
_data =
AnimIn = AnimationGroup {
Arrow1 = Texture {
Icon = Texture {
AreLeavesShown = defined @ls_Toasts/core/toast.lua:496
IconParent = Frame {
Slot3 = Frame {
IconText1 = FontString {
Slot2 = Frame {
AnimArrows = AnimationGroup {
IconText3BG = Texture {
Slot4 = Frame {
HideLeaves = defined @ls_Toasts/core/toast.lua:490
Recycle = defined @ls_Toasts/core/toast.lua:320
ShouldHideLeaves = defined @ls_Toasts/core/toast.lua:506
Title = FontString {
IconText3 = FontString {
Shine = Texture {
AnimOut = AnimationGroup {
Text = FontString {
Arrow2 = Texture {
isNew = true
isQueued = nil
usedSlots = 0
info =
tagID = 283
tagName = "Bonus Ojective with Completion Toast"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = "Interface\Icons\Achievement_Quests_Completed_TwilightHighlands"
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = LSToast1 {
0 =
IconText2 = FontString {
BG = Texture {
TextBG = Texture {
Arrow5 = Texture {
IconBorder =
SetLeavesVertexColor = defined @ls_Toasts/core/toast.lua:500
IconHL = Texture {
Bonus = Texture {
Arrow4 = Texture {
Leaves =
Slot1 = Frame {
IconText1BG = Texture {
Release = defined @ls_Toasts/core/toast.lua:320
Spawn = defined @ls_Toasts/core/toast.lua:305
ShowLeaves = defined @ls_Toasts/core/toast.lua:484
Glow = Texture {
Slot5 = Frame {
Arrow3 = Texture {
Skull = Texture {
Dragon = Texture {
SetBackground = defined @ls_Toasts/core/toast.lua:378
Border =
_data =
AnimIn = AnimationGroup {
Arrow1 = Texture {
Icon = Texture {
AreLeavesShown = defined @ls_Toasts/core/toast.lua:496
IconParent = Frame {
Slot3 = Frame {
IconText1 = FontString {
Slot2 = Frame {
AnimArrows = AnimationGroup {
IconText3BG = Texture {
Slot4 = Frame {
HideLeaves = defined @ls_Toasts/core/toast.lua:490
Recycle = defined @ls_Toasts/core/toast.lua:320
ShouldHideLeaves = defined @ls_Toasts/core/toast.lua:506
Title = FontString {
IconText3 = FontString {
Shine = Texture {
AnimOut = AnimationGroup {
Text = FontString {
Arrow2 = Texture {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to compare number with nil"
E =
GetScreenQuadrant = defined @ls_Toasts/core/core.lua:138
RegisterSkin = defined @ls_Toasts/core/skin.lua:15
RegisterEvent = defined @ls_Toasts/core/core.lua:43
GetToast = defined @AddOns`


Fixed in: 27f272b 😑