- 0
Right-clicking the toast for the "Ominous Conch"
#57 opened by Striding - 4
Change font size depending on frame
#58 opened by mapleleaf202324 - 3
WoWup issues
#42 opened by kingreboot - 1
Archeology: receiving the fragments instead of spending
#43 opened by linaori - 16
wlk bug
#44 opened by shenhix - 1
#45 opened by WanderingFox - 2
achievement Blizzard default toasts don't show up [WotLK]
#47 opened by vyrnius - 1
addonTable.C is no longer exposed to global environment
#48 opened by Witnesscm - 4
10.0.2 lua error
#49 opened by lowpita - 1
Wotlk 3.3.5a not working
#50 opened by Th3AnG3L - 4
Add new professions features to toasts
#51 opened by Kara-tatouille - 3
garrison error lua
#52 opened by reyard - 5
Blizzard skin on EVERYTHING?
#53 opened by Smekolini - 1
Lua Error in 10.1
#54 opened by wheatbread - 1
Feature request: add display of total item count
#55 opened by raptormama - 1
Feature Request: Separate personal and guild achievement toast types
#59 opened by Taizunz - 22
release 100207.01 has asset with broken paths
#60 opened by torkus - 3
Feature Request: Disable Tooltips
#61 opened by Rumik - 1
Lag when looting - cata classic
#62 opened by telias82 - 2
Currency Issue in Cata
#63 opened by ImMooky - 1
How to move?
#64 opened by SmellySuorra - 0
Feature request: World quest reward optional placement/size setting
#65 opened by Ghaan - 2
Request: Item Level limit on Loot toasts
#66 opened by Kerberos9 - 5
Bug: iLVL display wrong number on toast
#67 opened by Ghaan - 7
Request : Guild Achievements Spam Disable
#68 opened by WingZeroMaster - 2
Pick up items and access AUC exchange prices
#69 opened by Kai2guo - 5
Sound from filtered achievements still plays
#70 opened by Taizunz - 1
Linking toast and its corresponding panel
#71 opened by Franc-Alo - 6
Any plans for new skins?
#72 opened by ZaViper - 1
Can't access Option panel
#30 opened by Seethez - 3
Gold threshold
#31 opened by Daeveren - 3
Ashran artifact fragment spam
#32 opened by Xathz - 4
#33 opened by FrogZilla083 - 2
Attempt to unregister unknown event "ACHIEVEMENT_EARNED"
#34 opened by Pyrepenol - 2
#35 opened by 40P3 - 2
Toasts for Experience and Reputation Gains
#36 opened by Industrial - 1
Got a error with is_toasts via bugsack
#38 opened by Rubyurek - 1
Spending some kind of currency shows as gained currency
#39 opened by Nillx - 2
Reputation Toast
#40 opened by zalewskigrzegorz - 0
#41 opened by FrogZilla83 - 4
70200.01 errors with transmog appearances
#20 opened by ceylina - 1
An error occured when bonus loot rolled
#21 opened - 1
Add faction/reputation changes
#22 opened by heinzmuller - 5
add toast type: Loot (Quest)
#23 opened by killarny - 8
Change which types of items appear?
#24 opened by gotmilk0112 - 2
Lua errors & no commands
#26 opened by steve256334 - 8
Toast scaling issue
#25 opened by Merathilis - 1
Getting LUA error when trying to load Is_Toasts
#27 opened by twiztiddreamz - 3
No Error
#28 opened by FrogZilla083 - 6
currency toast also broken
#29 opened by fafaraway