LS: Toasts

LS: Toasts


Group Finder joining Battleground triggers Error

greven opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Whenever I try to join a BG with the Group Finder the following error triggers. Blizzard warns about disabling the addon, actually it is the only way to join a BG.

`3x [ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN] AddOn 'ls_Toasts' tried to call the protected function 'JoinBattlefield()'.
!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:573: in function <!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:573>
[C]: in function "JoinBattlefield"
Blizzard_PVPUI\Blizzard_PVPUI-1.0.lua:551: in function "HonorFrame_Queue"
[string ":OnClick"]:2: in function <[string ":OnClick"]:1>




Whoa, that's quite strange... I'm PvPer, doing BGs all the time, and I've never seen anything like that. TBH, it might be one of those random taints that occur once in a while and then disappear after UI reload.

I'll look into it, if I ever encounter it...


Reload didn't fix it.
But I'll try disabling other addons to try to isolate it. It blames ls_toasts for the taint, which is quite odd.
I'll report back.

EDIT - Tried disabling all addons and just had LS_Toasts, still get the taint error. It is very odd since I don't see how is Ls_Toasts even calling this protected method.

Any suggestions? Will try to clear the cache.


That's really odd, cuz ls_toasts doesn't do anything to HonorFrame or related frames, like at all.

BTW, if this bug persists after you disable other addons, try commenting out this line. That's the only place, where ls_toasts 100% taints Blizz UI. For example, existance of in-game config is the reason behind infamous compact frame taint T_T


Hi ls-,

Deleted all ls_toasts cache, no cigar.
Commenting out the CreateConfigPanel() did it. Somehow that is tainting the UI, what is odd is why does it happens to me and not you.


TBH, I have no idea, that's really REALLY old Blizz bug. IIRC, it's been there since WotLK. Addon 100% taints some elements of default UI, if you create in-game config in Interface-AddOns section, a.k.a the way Blizz wants us to create configs.

I've been testing a small fix lately, it's quite straightforward, addon will create config panel, only when user uses /lstoasts command to open config. This way I'll be able to avoid many taints.

I'll push it in few minutes.


I hope that fae8234 will fix it ๐Ÿ˜

I strongly recommend to reload UI after you're done setting up the addon. There's no way to safely remove config entry w/o reloading UI. Heck, as you can see, there's no way to safely add one ๐Ÿ’ข


It surely did fix it!
Thanks a lot ls- for the quick fix, you're great. :)

Closing this as it is fixed.