


CLASSIC version for MacroTalk Add-On

MacroTalkClassic provides extended chat command support especially useful for macros (use /macrotalk or /mtk for ingame usage)

Disabling Modules
If you would prefer only to have certain functionality from MacroTalkClassic (for instance, if you have another addon that provides similar functionality), you can disable various modules by renaming or deleting the corresponding .lua files. You can safely remove MacroTalkClassicChatOptions, MacroTalkClassicCommands, and MacroTalkClassicSubstitutions which correspond to Conditional/Random chat commands, Slash commands, and Text substitutions, respectively.

Slash Commands

tellunit (/tu, /whisperunit, /wu) {unit} {message} Sends a whisper to the specified unit. This link for a list of units

Example :
/cast Innervate /tellunit target Incoming innervate

/group (/gr) {message} Picks /instance if you're in BG, LFR or LFG. Picks /raid if you're in a raid (not LFR). Picks /party if you're in a party (not LFG).

/opt [options] {slash command}; [options] {slash command}; ... Picks from multiple slash commands given the options. You can only use slash commands that don't trigger secure functions. Chat commands, emotes, scripts, etc. are OK. /cast, /use, etc. are off limits. Note: the sub-commands cannot use macro options since the semicolons would cause ambiguity.

Example :
/opt [button:2] /bye; /wave

/rndcmd [options] {command 1}\{command 2}; [options] {command 3}\{command 4}... Picks a random slash command out of the group chosen based on the given options. Each group is a list of slash commands separated by the backslash (\) character (this is in contrast to commas used for the built-in random commands--commas are just too common in chat messages). Note: like the /opt command, the sub-commands cannot use macro options and you can't use any secure commands.

Example :
rndcmd [swimming] /y Help! I'm Drowning! \ /s The water's great!; /s Time for a swim... \ /dance

Conditional chat commands
All chat commands (/say, /tell, /guild, etc.) can now accept macro options. To use this functionality, simply start the command with /opt. Note: [target=] has no effect on the output of the chat commands; it only affects the other conditionals in the clause.

Example :
/optsay [swimming] gurgle; [mounted] The cavalry has arrived!

Example :
/cast [target=focus] Polymorph /optgroup [target=focus, exists] Sheeping %f[/i]

Random chat commands
Similar to the macro options, you can now add /rnd to the beginning of any chat command to pick a random saying. The /rnd___ commands also take options to pick a different list of sayings. The lists themselves are separated by the backslash symbol (\).

Example :
/rndyell ZOMG! \ WTF?! \ You there! Check out that noise!

Example :
/rndsay [outdoors] Ahhh, the Great Outdoors! \ What a lovely day!; I wish I could go outside right now \ Must... Leave... Building...[/i]

Text substitutions
MacroTalkClassic offers a variety of substitutions in addition to %t of the default UI. Substitutions are prioritized by the length of the code; longer codes are processed first. This means that %tl will be processed before %t. The codes are case-insensitive so %Tl is equivalent to %tL.

Straight substitutions :
%n - Your name
%z - Your current zone
%sz - Your current sub-zone (or zone if no sub-zone)
%loc - Your map coordinates.
%lt - Local time (Only for WotLK)
%rt - Realm time (Only for WotLK)

unit information :
%t - Name of your target (built in, but listed for consistency)
%f - Name of your focus (Not in ClassicEra)
%m - Name of mouseover unit
%p - Name of your pet
%tt - Name of your target's target

You can suffix those with one of the following to return other pieces of data about the unit :
l - Level
cl - Unit classification (not localized) (Only for WotLK)
c - Class
g - Gender
gb - Gender (blank if no gender)
r - Race
rb - Race (blank if no race)
gu - Guild
gub - Guild (blank if no guild)
rm - Realm
h - Health (XX/XX)
hp - Health percentage (XX%)
pw - Power - Depending on the unit power, can be mana, focus, energy and so on
pwb - Power (blank if no power)
pwp - Power percentage
pwpb - Power percentage (blank if no mana)
ic - Raid icon
icb - Raid icon (blank if no icon)
gn - Raid group number - Only if target is in the same raid as you, or you are in a raid
gnb - Raid group number (blank if no raid group)
nt- Name with title (Only for WotLK)
ut- Title (Only for WotLK)
utb- Title (blank if no title) (Only for WotLK)

Example :
/p Sheeping %f (level %fl %fg %fr %fc) /cast [target=focus] Polymorph Sample result: Sheeping Cogwheel (level 64 male Gnome Warrior)

Example :
/s I'm a level %l, %g, %r %c from %gu of %rm. Sample result: I'm a level 68, male, gnome warrior from Arkangels of Sargeras.

MacroTalk version for WoW Classic. Originally created by CogWheel. All thanks to CogWheel for his really nice work on this addon, I am only here to maintain it alive :)
Do not hesitate to give any kind of comments or suggestions :)