This addon was specificaly made to change names in one pair of macroses.
As example and reason to make this addon was warrior Intervene spell (as warrior has only one party interuction spell), one macros for healer and one for dps.
- uses only party1 and party2 player names and then decides what name should be in which macros depends on role.
- when tank and healer in 3v3 group - tank counts as dps. When tank and dps in 3v3 group - tank counts as healer.
You can find tab in options AddOns tab - MacroNamesEdit.
1. Input your macros names. 1 for healer and 1 for dps. Can be empty macros. We just need name.
2. Edit macros body if needed. @NAME should stay there it will be replaced with real player name.
3. Click apply. Information should be saved. And you are all set.