Mage Spellsteal Helper

Mage Spellsteal Helper


Mage Spellsteal Helper is a lightweight addon that helps mages detect when their target has a spell that can be stolen. Non-mage classes can enable the addon with a config option, "Activate on non-mage".

The addon can be activated and utilized by the following classes:


Demon Hunter




Each of these classes has at least one spell, ability, or pet ability that can benefit from the addon.

command line options:

/msh config - Open the GUI version of the settings

/msh enable - Toggles the addon on|off

/msh activateonnonmage - Toggles activating on non-mage classes

/msh announce - Toggles announcing stolen spells to the party|raid|instance chat, default off

/msh expandup - Toggles the list of stealable spells to be above the title bar, default below

/msh lock - Toggles the ability to move the stealable spells list with right click, default locked

/msh test - Toggles test data so you can position the frame without having to find a mob that has a stealable buff

/msh reset - Reset settings back to default

Please use the project page for any bug reports or feature requests.