


Will show a move-able scale-able frame when you are in combat and you have the talent Rune of Power. Two timers will show up for each rune, turning yellow when there's less than 10 seconds left of a rune, and red when a rune has expired. A big Rune with red border will be shown when you're missing the Rune of Power buff.

  • Chat commands:
  • /mrop - shows available commands
  • /mrop scale 2.0 - Scales the frame. Default 1.0
  • /mrop lock - Toggles the frame being locked from movement
  • /mrop show - Shows the frame so you can configure it. Type '/mrop hide' when you're done
  • /mrop hide - Hides the frames
  • /mrop resetpos - Resets the position of the frame

If you like this addon check out my other one for Incanter's Flow: MaloWIncantersFlow