ManaMeter is an addon for classes/specs that use mana. After seeing the changes to mana regeneration in patch 10.2.0 I decided to make this addon to help with keeping track of the mana that you use. I found myself on my RDruid that I would run out of mana and really didn't know until I saw the red message saying it was low. So, I made this addon to help with that...
1. The bar itself can be changed in size. Both in length and in width.
2. It can also be moved anywhere on your screen, and it can be locked. When you first use the addon on the bar will be in the center of your screen, and default size.
3. The orientation of the bar can be horizontal, or vertical.
4. You also have the option to put a percentage in the center of the bar that will adjust to the amount of mana you have. You can also resize the text of the percentage, and you can enable/disable it.
5. I also added a "Low mana" alert, which will give you a sound alert. You can adjust the low mana threshold from 5% to 50%. Once you hit whatever threshold you have you will get an alert sound. There are 5 alert sounds to choose from. You can also enable/disable this feature as well.
6. There is also an option to where once you hit the mana threshold a message will be displayed in Instance Chat. There are 5 messages to choose from, and this too can be enabled/disabled.
7. This addon also has Data Broker support.
If anyone wants to know how to change any of the messages or sounds let me know in the comments and I will post how to do it. I also know that there is probably a WeakAura that may do all of this, but not everyone uses that addon and may just want a standalone addon.