


Allows you to add notes to the world map and minimap helping you keep track of interesting locations. MapNotes also provides a Plugin interface for other AddOns to take advantage of the note making ability. AlphaMap(Fans Update) uses this interface to allow Note creation on AlphaMap Maps of Instances, BattleGrounds, and World Boss Maps. This version of MapNotes comes with in-built support for creation of notes on Atlas maps, also using this Plugin interface. For these purpose MapNotes offers the following main functions: 1. Marking notes on the WorldMap 2. Showing one of these notes on the MiniMap (see MiniNote) 3. Allows any other AddOn to use MapNotes note creation ability to mark notes on frames within their own AddOn : - Marking notes on AlphaMap (Fan's Update) Instance maps - Marking notes on Atlas maps

"/tloc" can be used to toggle this AddOns minimap coordinates instead of Thottbott's minimap coordinates. NOTE : PLEASE still use "/mn -tloc xx,yy" to place a Thottbott marker on the map. "/tloc" ONLY toggles Minimap Coordinates.

Should be compatible with both Cartographer and MetaMap, although you may no longer be able to create notes on the map with the in-built functionality provided by those AddOns - only with the functionality provided by MapNotes (Fan's Update).

Fast Note Creation/Editing/Deleting

- <Control>+<Alt>+Right-click on a MAP/FRAME to create a Quicknote at that point

- <Control>+<Alt>+Right-click on a NOTE to quickly go to the note Editing Frame

- <Control>+<Alt>+Left-clicking to drag NOTES to new positions

- <Alt>+Right-click on a NOTE to toggle it as a Minimap note

- <Alt>+<Shift>+DOUBLE Right-click on a note to quickly delete it.

- <Control>+<Shift>+Right-click will create a temporary blue Group note on a map If created on a World map, then it will also be displayed in the Minimap for you to track If in a Raid group, then the note will be shared with other Raid members who have MapNotes installed Otherwise, if in a Party, then the note will be shared with the Party members who have MapNotes installed Otherwise, its just your own quick temporary marker ;)

Slash Commands

/mapnote OR /mapnotes OR /mn Use without any other parameters to see which version of MapNotes is installed, and access the list of available Slash Commands. Otherwise can be used to insert a Map Note by a slash command (which you can create in the Send Menu), see Readme.txt for Details

/mn -allow OR /mn -a Allows you to receive the next note, even if you have disabled receiving in the options. If invoked with no parameters, it will toggle the current state.

/mn -automini Shows the next note created (using any method) as a MiniNote and also puts it on the WorldMap. If invoked with no parameters, it will toggle the current state.

/mn -allmini Toggle all MapNotes off/on as Mininotes (Keybinding also available)

/mn -tloc tbX,tbY Sets a "Thottbot location" on the map. Use it with no arguments to toggle it off. See the Section on Formatting of X,Y Coordinates

/mn -q [icon] [name] Adds a note at your current location, icon and name are optional (icon any number from 0 to 9, AddOns/MapNotes/POIIcons/Icon#.tga) If no [name] is passed, then the Note will be named based on the MiniMap Text, and the second/third lines will be populated with more zone information and/or the default QuickNote text.

/mn -qtloc xx,yy [icon] [name] See the Section on Formatting of X,Y Coordinates Adds a note on the map you are currently on at the given thottbot location, icon and name are optional (icon any number from 0 to 9, AddOns/MapNotes/POIIcons/Icon#.tga)

/mn -s [search text] If you want to search for a note, to see if one exists, or where it is, then you can use this command, and MapNotes will print out a report in the chat window, displaying the names of all maps which have a note containing that text

/mn -hl [note name] If you have lots of notes and want to clearly identify a single one on a map, or if you want a certain note to remain highlighted, then use this command and they will be displayed with a green circle around them. If there are several notes with that name or containing that text, then they will ALL be highlighted. The note name does not have to be case sensitive, and doesn't have to be an exact match - all notes containing the [note name] text will be highlighted. If the EXACT NAME is specified (not case-sensitive), the note will also be marked as a MiniNote on the Minimap

/mn -mapc Toggle the display of Player and Cursor Coordinates on the World Map Control-Left-Click and drag the coordinates to move them to a different position on the World Map if you are not happy with the default.

/mn -minic Toggle the display of Player coordinates below the Minimap.

/mn -t [icon] [name] Creates a quicknote at the Player's current location if the Player has no target. If the Player does have a target, then it will create a note for that target at the Player's current location, icon and name are optional (icon any number from 0 to 9, AddOns/MapNotes/POIIcons/Icon#.tga)

/mn -m Creates a note for the Player's target at the Player's current location. OR Merges the details for the Player's current target in to a Map Note that has already been created at the Player's current location. MUST have targetted a Player/NPC/Mob for this to work.

/mn -scale [0.5 - 1.5] The size of MapNotes Menus and Frames are now fixed no matter what the scale of the World Map or other AddOn Map being used. This command can be used to change the default size of MapNotes Menus and Frames if the user finds it too small or large. The default value is 0.7 Therefore "/mn -scale 1.0" will make the Menus and Frames appear larger than they do by default.

/mn -undelete Will undelete the last deleted MapNote.

Key Bindings


Creates a quicknote at the Player's current location if the Player has no target. If the Player does have a target, then it will create a note for that target at the Player's current location. -OR CLICK MINIMAP COORDINATES- If you are NOT targetting anything, then ALT-Left-Click on the Minimap Coordinates to create a QuickNote. If you are targetting something, then ALT-Left-Click to create a Target note with details about the current target at the PLAYER'S current location - you will be warned if you are too near to an existing note to create a new note. (Slash Command "/mn -t" also available)


Creates a note for the Player's target at the Player's current location. OR Merges the details for the Player's current target in to a Map Note that has already been created at the Player's current location. MUST have targetted a Player/NPC/Mob for this to work. -OR CLICK MINIMAP COORDINATES- If you are targetting something, then you may also ALT-Right-Click on the Minimap Coordinates if you wish to create a note for your Target at the PLAYER'S current location. However, if a MapNote already exists at Player's location, then the details will be merged with the existing note. (Slash Command "/mn -m" also available)


All of the functions below are mainly designed for people who have just installed MapNotes (Fan's Update). If you have been using this version of MapNotes for some time already, and have your own notes, then these functions may overwrite your existing notes. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

/script MapNotes_ImportCarto() NOTE: only works with English localisation currently If you want to move from Cartographer 2 to MapNotes, then log in to the game with both AddOns enabled, ust the above command, after which you will receive notification in the chat window on how many notes have been imported.

/MapNotes_Import_MetaMap If you want to move from MetaMapNotes to MapNotes, then log in to the game with both AddOns enabled, use the above command, after which you will receive notification in the chat window on how many notes have been imported; Then log out, and disable MetaMap. Don't try to use MapNotes at the same time as MetaMap for any other purposes, as the results may be unpredictable

/MapNotes_Import_AlphaMap If you have AlphaMap installed, and want to convert the in-built Instance and World Boss notes in to MapNotes notes, then use the above command, and you will see a message in the chat window informing you of how many notes have been imported in to MapNotes. This does NOT import Battleground notes by default, as AlphaMap's in built Battleground functionality works best without MapNotes overlaying the BG Objectives. NOTE: You don't have to import notes from AlphaMap, to make MapNotes on AlphaMap Instance/Battleground/WorldBoss maps. You can create any notes you like manually.

/MapNotes_Import_AlphaMapBG As mentioned above, the basic "/MapNotes_Import_AlphaMap" command does not import Battleground notes by default. If you do want to import AlphaMap Battlegournd map notes, then use this command to do so.

/MapNotes_Import_CTMapMod If you want to move from using CTMapMod to MapNotes (Fan's Update), then log in to the game with both AddOns enabled, use the above command, after which you will receive notification in the chat window on how many notes have been imported; Then log out, and disable CTMapMod.