


Filter annoying world map clutter!

You define what is shown there, not Blizzard. Just add area POI, vignette or quest IDs to a filter list and enjoy a plain map. Do you want spam

A screenshot of Zaralekk Cavern on a dead realm with loads of rares up.

or just what you're interested in and nothing more?

A screenshot of Zaralekk Cavern on the same realm, but with only two rares showing.


It is strongly suggested to use the idTip addon to find IDs to filter way more easily.

Use the /mapcleaner or /mc slash command:

  • /mc filtervignette 1331 removes vignette 1331 from your map.
  • /mc filterpoi 1331 removes area POI 1331 from your map.
  • /mc filterquest 1331 removes quest 1331 from your map.
  • /mc unfiltervignette 1331, /mc unfilterpoi 1331 and /mc unfilterquest 1331 reverses that.
  • /mc listfiltered gives you a list with everything you removed.
  • /mc listvisible gives a load of POIs, vignettes and quests that can be filtered. The idTip addon is way superior to this list since it allows you to hover an annoying icon and just see the ID rather than searching in this way too long list.