HandyNotes: MapNotes

HandyNotes: MapNotes

MapNotes vs blizzard

MapNotes vs blizzard

When you hover over a Special Icons icon from the option "MapNotes vs blizzard", it displays all possible transport and instance points that are located here e.g. here for Orgrimmar


Capital Example
Example Continent - Draenor

Example Continent - Draenor

What is displayed here can be set individually for each map category (Worldmap, Azeroth, Continent, Zone, Dungeon)
Restore function Example

Restore function Example

Capital + Capital - Minimap
World Map  Example

World Map Example

What is displayed here can be set individually for each map category (Worldmap, Azeroth, Continent, Zone, Dungeon)
Delete function Example

Delete function Example

Path Example

Path Example

The Hinterlands
General Tab

General Tab

Minimap Button function

Minimap Button function

Example Dungeon Passage Icons - Black Temple

Example Dungeon Passage Icons - Black Temple

Passage icons in the dungeon map categories, shows passage icons to the respective dungeon sections
Example Azeroth Map

Example Azeroth Map

What is displayed here can be set individually for each map category (Worldmap, Azeroth, Continent, Zone, Dungeon)
Capitals Example

Capitals Example

Example Zone - Caverns of Time

Example Zone - Caverns of Time

What is displayed here can be set individually for each map category (Worldmap, Azeroth, Continent, Zone, Dungeon)
Example Show / Hide

Example Show / Hide

shows or hides all activated MapNotes icons of the current map type that is currently open (World Map/Azeroth/Continent/Zone/Dungeon)
WorldMapButton functions on dif map types

WorldMapButton functions on dif map types

shows or hides all activated MapNotes icons of the current map type that is currently open (World Map/Azeroth/Continent/Zone/Dungeon)