Masque: Templar

Masque: Templar



Masque: Templar is an add-on for World of Warcraft that adds a custom skin for Masque.
Masque: Templar is part of TemplarUI (currently unreleased)


This plugin requires the following addons:


  • Type "/ec" in-game to open the ElvUI configuration.
  • In the "Actionbars" section, navigate to "Masque" and check the boxes for "ActionBars," "Pet Bar," and "Stance Bar."
  • Return to the "General" tab in the "Actionbars" section and enable "Desaturate Cooldowns."
  • In the "Buffs and Debuffs" section, navigate to "Masque" and check the boxes for "Buffs" and "Debuffs."
  • Go to "Cooldown Text" settings and modify the colors for "Seconds," "Minutes," and "MM:SS" to "CCBFBA"
  • Set the color for "Expiring" to "D07B5E"
  • In the "Cooldown Text" settings under "ActionBars," disable "Color Override."
  • Close the ElvUI Menu and reload the game.
  • Type "/masque" or "/msq" in the chat box to access the Masque settings.
  • In the Masque settings, go to "Skin Settings" and select "ElvUI." Set the Skin to "Templar - Main."
  • Scroll down to the "Buffs" section and set the Skin to "Templar - Buffs."
  • Repeat the previous step for the "Debuffs" section and set the Skin to "Templar - Debuffs."
  • Reload the game to apply the changes.

Please note that if you change the color of the skin, you will need to reapply the green and red colors for the buffs and debuffs. But you can always use the reset skin button to revert to default.

Although Masque - Templar is designed and tested to be compatible with ElvUI, its compatibility with other Masque-compatible addons has not been specifically tested. It is recommended to use Masque - Templar with ElvUI for the optimal experience.