Master and Commander


#Master & Commander Master & Commander is a reboot of the old Protection paladin addon.

Project description

This addon is helping the player to be more in control and give all the information needed to be best at what they do, to make their own judgement based on the situation they are playing in.


  • A "protection"-HUD
  • Taunt messages to chat
  • Aura warnings
  • Ability to create some useful/well known macros with one click
  • Active statistics bar
  • Blessing of Freedom button whenever user is incapacitated or slowed down

The protection-hud

This is the main interface showing up. This interface will show you how well you are protection against spells and physical attacks. They are based on various applied buffs based on their own talents. It will also provide you with an indication of which spells/auras should be active and active cooldowns of buffs like Ardent Defender and Guardian of the Ancient King, etc. Sometimes, when out of range, a Devotion aura will also not be available. This will show.

Taunt message

  • Will give the environment a message when you taunted your target. This seems a bit like overkill sometimes, but when more it will be more clear to the people around you what happened. Supports multi-target taunts under the effect of the talent Final Stand and Raid icons.

Aura warnings

Gives you a warning when in combat and Crusader Aura is still on. Or Devotion Aura is not on, or already active and you should choose a different one, like Concentration Aura or Retribution Aura.

Creating macros

There are some famous macros for paladins out there. Like debuff removal macros when using Blessing of Protection or Divine Shield. As these are crucial, however not always wanted when having aggro, they should be able to be removed asap. This addon will help you with one-click creation of this macro.

Active statistics bar

A very thin information bar that can be places just below or on top of your action bar to give you live stats. Bar can be disabled.

Blessing of Freedom button

When incapacitated or slow downed, it's sometimes very very handy to press Blessing of Freedom asap. When it's on your action, it can be too slow to find, and having it popping up when needed, may do the trick. Can be annoying within fights where other buttons are suddenly are coming up. Can be disabled.

A cool configuration screen

While addons may sometimes are a bit tricky to use or too complicated, this addon will have a clear and good looking configuration screen, to enhance that real Paladin feeling ;-)