mdManager is an add-on that helps hunters to manage their misdirection targets alone, in a group or a raid with a macro through command line interface.
How it works
At the connection of a hunter character, a macro named "Misdirect" is created for this character if it does not already exist and there's still a macro slot left. If not, delete one and reload ui.
The add-on modifies the related macro every time the user triggers a valid command, while in certain conditions, for example: you cannot modify the macro while in combat with mdManager.
To access the add-on in game, type /mdm or /mdManager. It will display the available arguments to the previous command.
How to use it
Here are the available arguments to the /mdm command:
- setMT <MT_Name> - Sets main tank to misdirect named <MT_name> in the macro.
- setOT <OT_Name> - Sets off tank to misdirect named <OT_name> in the macro.
- setMT/setOT target - Sets main/off tank to misdirect as your actual target in the macro.
- setMT/setOT focus - Sets main/off tank to misdirect as your focus target in the macro.
- getMacro - Gets the mdManager macro on cursor for you to put it on your UI.
- switch - Switches actual tanks set to misdirect.
- status - Displays actual tanks set to misdirect.
- reset - Resets mdManager tanks values.
- help - Displays help about mdManager.
Getting an error message when starting WoW ? Having ideas about great features to be integrated ? Contact me: [email protected] (peque(dot)yso(at)gmail(dot)com).