Mega Macro

Mega Macro


ActionButtons do not contain the right macro after login

Dradux-dev opened this issue · 1 comments


I love the idea of the addon, but unfortunately I get the following behaviour after logging in. I use ElvUI for my action bars. Neither the macros work nor they show the correct tooltip/icon. I couldn't find any Lua error with BugGrabber that give a hint on your addon, any ideas how to further research this behaviour? Worst thing would be ready the source and guessing what happens. In another issue I read that you iterate over all action buttons and have to update them (somehow like that) - would that be a good starting point?

If I drag the macros out of the addon and just re-add them everything works fine. But that's kinda annoying to do after every login.


One of the macros CSpB shows a tooltip of a wrong macro.

It shows that this is "TSMMacro", which does not contain a #showtooltip. But at this position there should be the "PickMount" macro.

Best regards,


I was about to open up a ticket about this issue but I see you already did it. I am also getting the same behavior and the whole action bar is messed up after login. Macros are still there when I go to /m but I need to drag them down in the action bar every time I log back in. Using v1.5.7.

The same behavior applies when using the master branch version.