![Mega Macro](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/302/526/256/256/637368011192192315.png)
- 4
[10.2] Icons incorrect
#207 opened by wing5wong - 3
[10.2] Macro icon doesn't update with modifyers while on combat
#208 opened by Dabeuliou - 3
[10.2] Tooltip doesn't work
#209 opened by Dabeuliou - 8
Flickering icons on currently unusable macros
#178 opened by bartkoevoets - 0
Can't change feral/resto bars independently
#169 opened by EV0luti0nz - 2
LUA Error
#170 opened by ToxxicApe - 3
Not working together with GSE Addon
#171 opened by Fluke667 - 0
[ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN] AddOn 'MegaMacro' tried to call the protected function 'UseAction()'.
#172 opened by JSON-135 - 0
[ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'MegaMacro' tried to call the protected function 'MultiBarBottomLeft:SetPointBase()'.
#173 opened by JSON-135 - 3
Thanks for nukeing my existing macro's without warning.
#175 opened by RangerFrank - 3
macro hotkeys flicked on main bar only
#176 opened by durandal42 - 0
Icon not working on some bars
#177 opened by YetAnotherDevWannabe - 0
Search icon names, not just spells
#184 opened by azuraji - 1
doesn't work with drinkbot addon
#185 opened by Squimbert - 1
Empowered spells in macro sometimes stop working
#186 opened by mdarriga - 28
Mega Macro Blocked by Blizzard UI
#179 opened by Magustar - 3
Macro names overlap
#180 opened by Itay-Zeitouny - 8
No macros working after servers coming back up
#181 opened by ludicritz - 1
Gse not working
#183 opened by hugo400 - 0
Not working with UberUI
#193 opened by ma123ks - 8
I can't use the add on
#194 opened by Minie40 - 1
Extreme memory usage -> Garbage collection stutter
#189 opened by michaelvolz - 0
Classic Version
#190 opened by Pragma808 - 0
Red Range Indicator forced to Keybind-Text, not Icon
#191 opened by FalkMcLeod - 2
Covenant Spells Using Old ID
#192 opened by Nate603 - 2
Macro Modifier
#198 opened by TRAMAduck - 0
"dragonflying" is now a valid condition
#196 opened by Tovrin - 2
ElvUI Pick up Action Key conflict
#197 opened by Squimbert - 1
New 'known:' and 'noknown:' conditionals
#199 opened by Kaaasper - 0
M6 Compatability?
#201 opened by Lynsis - 6
ActionButton locked: [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'MegaMacro' tried to call the protected function
#200 opened by paulbuechner - 1
Cant use addons that update their own macros
#205 opened by Langmans - 0
Modifier not working properly
#203 opened by helven - 1
MM says on every login with a char: There isn't enough space...
#206 opened by useronkel - 1
IsItemInRange bug since 10.2.6
#212 opened by capachow - 0
Support for certain addons
#214 opened by Squimbert - 1
Decursive Errors | MegaMacro Conflict
#215 opened by SalientAnimal - 0
Addon Support for Zygors Guides
#216 opened by Spicie-1 - 1
Vuhdo + Mega Macro
#217 opened by skydude92 - 2
Addons that create macros
#218 opened by FaileDestiny - 2
11.0.0 Prepatch - New error being spammed, doesn't appear to affect functionality
#220 opened by morgan35543 - 1
Needs to update to new GetMouseFocus API
#221 opened by derylseale - 1
Post 11.0 Generates errors
#222 opened by angrygeek - 1
Macros don't track spell charges
#223 opened by Buckmon - 8
Macro doesnt work above 250 characters
#224 opened by wing5wong - 3
Option to be able to use larger-macro-icon-selection
#226 opened by YetAnotherDevWannabe - 2
Bug: Toy Tooltips and Icons not being shown
#227 opened by F-Lambda - 3
Fallback Icon is higher priority than known spells?
#228 opened by Konungrr - 3
Profession linking doesn't work
#229 opened by matthewmerendo - 1
EditMacro() api seems to not be supported
#230 opened by LynnHeart