Method Raid Tools Note Warning

Method Raid Tools Note Warning


Method Raid Tools Note Warning

MRTNW is addon which shows icons for MRT notes.

Addon MRT have special function to format text and use it for boss encounters.

This addon will show this notes as icons.

Active formats for MRTNW:

{time:0:11} {spell:12345} Player

{time:0:11} {spell:12345} Player => Target

{time:0:11,SCC:54321:1} {spell:12345} Player
!{time:0:11,SCC:54321:1} {spell:12345} Player

{time:0:11,SCS:54321:2} {spell:12345} Player => Target

As you can see there is some addition for this addon:

-Symbol ! on start of note line will indicate that Icon will appear on previous boss cast (if order is set to 1 icon will appear on start of encounter)

-Addon use text after {spell:12345} as caster of spell and show icon only to this player

-If you use => Target, Target name will be visible as under icon.