MH Custom Tags (ElvUI Plugin)

MH Custom Tags (ElvUI Plugin)

Nameplate Classification Tag

Nameplate Classification Tag

You can use the tags across all elements that can use tags within ElvUI
Available Tags List / Info

Available Tags List / Info

Simply installing the addon will add and register the custom tags with ElvUI and you can view them right in-game via the "Available Tag" window (shows tag name, usage, and examples were applicable)
Nameplate Absorb Tag

Nameplate Absorb Tag

Another instance of using absorb tag on nameplate to show the absorb amount of the mob you are killing (for purges, etc)
Classification Icon Tag

Classification Icon Tag

Shows classification icon tag (think of the gold/silver dragon emblems). But now shows different icons for different mob types (boss, elite-plus, elites, rares, and rare elites). Icon is sized dynamically via tag (see tag info for details).
Boss Health Tag

Boss Health Tag

Showing simple boss health percentage using a custom tag where you can dynamically change the number of decimals within the tag. Also, the show's "elite-plus" classification icon.
Status Tag

Status Tag

Will show afk, dnd, offline, ghost, and dead tags with custom icons for each


Raid Group Number

Raid Group Number

As a raider, I always had to open up my raid tab to see what group I was in for mechanics/assignments. Now you can simply see using a tag next to your name. I use the tag on my player frame (it will only show in raid)
Absorb Tag

Absorb Tag

Showing absorb amount in parenthesis @ player frame
Abbreviated Name

Abbreviated Name

One of two different ways to abbreviate names on any tag.