Guidelime Package by Milksmuggler and Tactics_lol

Guidelime Package by Milksmuggler and Tactics_lol


<< Issues of todays Guidelime Guides is the sheer amount of Hunter Guides >>

Big revamp of Tactics_lol's and Sevenleaves' Guidelime  for Horde also including Milksmugglers Warrior HC Alliance Guidelime

 Tactics_lol know as the World Record holder for the 1-60 Rogue speedrun sub 5 days without fundings made a guide that got exported into guidelime. However some bugs in it and the reason it is made up solely for Rogues started the idea to revamp it. The Rogues Guide didn't change at all except some finetunes by Tactics_lol himself!

We also want to provide you with alternate routes to fit for the most classes, especially those who do not get much love in Guidelime! 

The approach is the same as the HC Alliance one, Shamans and Warriors are not left out in this guidelime.

I will slowly add EVERY single classquest in the right order of the guidelime.

Package contains:

1-12 for EVERY starting zone!! They even lead into different zones and routes PAST lvl 12 and meet up at lvl 19 again

12-19 as mentioned above different zones depending on class/race, Even Tauren Warrior differs from Orc Warrior


21-60 Finishing the guidelime as a base to work with

1-12 Undead starting zone class quests for all classes except Mages!

1-12 Tauren starting zone class quests for all classes

21-21 Poison quest for rogues as a separetd guidelime activating after certain previous guide and connection to the same spot as other classes after it again !

Weapon progressions !!

Plans for the future?

Working on a HORDE side 1-60 Speedrun route for Hunters! and maybe an overall guide for AoE spots for mages

Also my plans on a Dungeon Quest Checklist for every dungeon up to  BRD.

What is Hardcore?

  - If you die you have to delete. It is the same as in Diablo 2

  - You are not allowed to trade with other players

  - You are not allowed to use the Auction House

  - You are not allowed to use the Mailbox

  - You are only allowed to group with other Hardcore Players for a dungeon

      - You have to meet up at the Meeting Stone before you form the group

      - Everyone have to be within the level range of the Meeting Stone for the dungeon

      - You are only allowed to run each dungeon once


IF you find any issues let me or Tactics know!

 - Discord: Milksmuggler#2105                                       \\ Tactics#2291

 - Twitch:;