Mind-Worm Helper

Mind-Worm Helper


Mind-Worm Helper Addon

  • You can see the overall progress of the pages quests.
  • You can set TomTom Waypoints to the selected page.
  • You can clear current TomTom Waypoints from the map.
  • By pressing "where is the page?" Tell you where to get the pages.

To use this addon you need the TomTom Addon to use the auto set waypoint feature.

You can get the Tomtom addon here: https://wow.curseforge.com/projects/tomtom?gameCategorySlug=addons&projectID=18808

Slash Command                                Description

  • /mw                                             Open the  interface for the Mind-Worm Helper

Release v1.0.0.2 for 8.1 BFA