Miner's Coffee and Pick is an addon that speeds up your garrison mining. Instead of having to remember to go through your bags and use the items, clickable buttons will pop up while you are inside your mine to easily apply the buffs. Once you have your buffs, they will get out of your way so you can get to mining.
Right click and drag to move the buttons.
- Interface Options Panel - open up the Interface Options to easily change all values to your liking.
- Custom Number of Buffs - set the number of Miner's Coffee you would like to use each visit. Once you are buffed up, the button will disappear.
- Button Alignment - change the way the buttons are added. Either to the left or the right.
Slash Commands
- '/mcap'
- '/minerscoffeeandpick'
- '/mcap show|hide' - Toggle the buttons.
- '/mcap left|right' - Set button alignment.
- '/mcap reset' - Reset all settings.
- '/mcap buff number' - The number of stacks for Miner's Coffee.
Localization / Translations
For this addon to work will all WoW clients, I need to know the Minimap zone text for each specific client, Horde and Alliance. If you are using a language that is not supported, please take the time to add it to the Miner's Coffee and Pick Localization page. Thank you.
While inside your garrison mine, enter the below code into chat and add it to the localization.
/dump GetMinimapZoneText()
Bug Tracker / Feature Requests
Please submit Bugs and/or Feature Requests using the Ticket System on the CurseForge Project page. Please provide as much information as possible, including your client language, the exact version you are running, how to reproduce any errors, and a stack trace, if applicable.