

Minimalist is a collection of miscellaneous UI tweaks and automations for building a minimal UI with minimal addons or using as the core of a compilation. Since I am using a very barebone laptop from time to time, I am planning to release an even more minimalistic version of Minimalist called Micromalist, stay tuned.

small update for WoW 6 (not all features work 100%). Playing on starter edition only and not much time at the moment

Tweaks included:


  • Auto-Ignore Duels - As it says, auto ignores duel requests.
  • Auto-Repair - Automatically repair all items when visiting an NPC that is able to repair.
  • Auto-Resurrect - Automatically accepts Resurrections.
  • Auto-Sell Grey Items - Automatically sell all grey (junk) items when visiting any merchant.
  • Skip useless Gossips - Skips 'extra' vendor chatter and comes right to the point.


  • Fix Arrow Keys - Lets your use [Left] and [Right] to move through the text you are typing needing to hold down the [Alt] key.
  • Hide Buttons - Hides the buttons on the chat windows.
  • Use [SHIFT] + [SCROLLWHEEL] to scroll the chat to top/bottom.
  • Move Input Box - Moves the chat input box to the top of the chat frame.
  • Reduce Chat Clutter - Tries to shorten chat channel names.
  • Disable Chat Fading after inactivity.


  • Handle various settings for hostile NamePlates (i.e. automatically show them during combat, resize based on threat...).
  • Improved AutoLoot - automatically confirm BoP and disenchant notification.


  • Better Reputation - Displays reputation numbers and progress in the chat box.
  • Disable Gryphons - Removes the Gryphon graphic from default action bars.
  • Display Quest Levels - Displays quest levels in Dialogs and Quest Tracker.
  • Quest Automation - Automatically accept and turn-in Quests


  • Hide Clutter - Turns off the zoom in/out buttons, titles box and the sun dial.
  • Location X, Y - Adds your X, Y coordinates to the lower portion of the minimap.
  • MouseWheel Zoom - Allows you to use the mouse wheel to zoom the minimap.
  • Hide the tracking button.

Configuration is done through the standard Interface -> Addons configuration dialog. The console shortcut is gone and all tweaks that now are included in the standard client (i.e. Chat Time-Stamps) have been removed.

Author: whizkid - kudos to grennon (the original author?) and many others for their inspiring feature requests.