


First things first: This is a plug-in skin pack for Minimap Button Frame. If you don't have MBF installed, this plug-in will just waste 56 KB worth of space on your hard drive.

I decided to make a "dark" skin for Masque, and when I was finished with it I realized that MBF didn't look right (to me) with another type of "skin" on it other than what I was using for my action bars. So, I made this plug-in for Minimap Button Frame.

They say that "A picture is worth a thousand words.", so I'm just going to let the pictures do the talking. One thing to note: The buttons in MBF are set to "0" (zero) padding in the pictures, so you can't get them any closer together. Sorry.

I hope you enjoy this little plug-in for Minimap Button Frame.

Bachlott for Minimap Button Frame.

If you feel this plug-in has caused a problem, please FILE A TICKET ABOUT THE PROBLEM. While I'm sure every addon author enjoys hearing that people like their work, the comments section is not the place to post problems and I WILL ignore all posts in the comments section about problems with this plug-in. Thank you.