



Clean. Functional. Minimal.

MinimapStats, created & maintained by Unhalted, was developed to add meaningful information to the minimap without comprising on aesthetics or performance.

Listed in the Table of Contents is information related to the AddOn. If you wish to learn more, feel free to navigate through each element to explore respective options.

Table of Contents

  1. General
  2. Time Element
  3. System Stats Element
  4. Location Element
  5. Coordinates Element
  6. Instance Difficulty Element
  7. Tooltip Element
  8. Layout Manager
  9. Import/Export
  10. Screenshots
  11. Deeper Understanding - Update Intervals.
  12. Deeper Understanding - Libraries Used.

Consistent Options

  • Font Size.
  • Anchor Point/s.
  • X / Y Offsets.

Following this, each header will be covering specific options to that particular tab/element.

1. General

  • Primary Font Colour.
  • Accent Colour.
  • Class Coloured Accent Colour.
  • Font Selection.
  • Font Flag.
  • Font Shadow.
  • Shadow Colour.
  • Shadow X / Y Offsets.
  • Element Frame Strata.
  • Reset Options.

2. Time Element

  • Time Source.
  • Time Format.
  • Update Interval.
  • Date on Mouseover.
  • Date Format.

3. System Stats Element

  • Input Format.
  • Update Interval.

4. Location Element

  • Colour Format.

5. Coordinates Element

  • Decimals Format.
  • Update Interval.
  • Update In Real Time.

6. Instance Difficulty Element

7. Tooltip Element

  • Display Local / Server Time.
  • Display Lockouts.
  • Display Friends List.
  • Display Vault Options.
  • Display Player Keystone.
  • Display Party Keystone.
  • Display Affixes.
  • Display Affixes Descriptions.
  • Tooltip Texture Size.

8. Layout Manager

Provides users with interactable objects to swap between common layouts for all elements.

9. Import / Export

Provides users with a way to import / export their MinimapStats profiles.