Minyon's CoolFace & Class Portraits

Minyon's CoolFace & Class Portraits


MinyonCF is Unit Frames addon intended to do the following:

  1. Show CoolFace texture instead of a player portrait.
  2. Show class icons instead of other players portraits.

How to install:

If you want another image instead of CoolFace, just replace "Coolface.blp" in addon directory with blp texture you want to see.

You can convert an image into blp file using BLP Lab: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/tools-560/blp-lab-v0-5-0-a-137599/ Step by step instructions:

  1. Using paint, photoshop or etc make a "*.jpg" file with properties: width=64, heigth=64. Another width/height will not work.
  2. Start BLP Lab.
  3. Hit "File/Open". Choose your "*.jpg" file.
  4. Hit "File/Save as".
  5. In popup window named "Save file as..." choose "BLP2" type; "Paletted"; "256 colors"; "Compress palette"; mipmap count set to 8.
  6. Hit "Alpha channel' button.
  7. In popup window named "Alpha channel options" choose "Add opaque alpha channel" and hit "Ok" button.
  8. Type file name and choose patch in window named "" Save file as..." and hit "Ok" button when it's done.
  9. Replace file named "Coolface.blp" in addon directory with file you just created.
  10. Pray Xf for normal working of point's 1-9.
  11. Launch WoW.
  12. Test addon. If something goes wrong, repeat 1-12 point's. And don't forget about point 10. This is main point.

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