Modern Character Frame

Modern Character Frame

MCF preview gif
MCF EN preview

Modern Character Frame re-creates modern look of default Character frame (design and functionality are from Cataclysm).


  • Re-skins default Character frame. You can expand/collapse side panel by pressing a button.
  • Improved character model frame. You can drag/rotate model more freely than default version.
  • Stas panel. Expand Character frame to show stats panel. It's fully customizable: you can collapse/expand stat categories, you can change their order.
  • Titles panel. Works better (and less buggy) than built-in version.
  • Equipment manager. Great improvement from default version. Also fixed weird bug with ignored slots which is present even on retail client (ignored slots are being saved correctly now when you create/edit sets).
  • Extended hit tooltips. They display additional information about active talents, that affect hit chance.
  • Extended defense tooltip. Displays table of chances to be critically hit.
  • Other addons integration. You can integrate TacoTip's Gear Score value into Item Level stat line (check Esc/Interface/AddOns/ModernCharacterFrame options).
  • Useful features. Estimated repair cost (for currently equipped items), item colored borders (based on quality; design from retail).

Currently supported languages

  • English
  • Français (made by Datyb — Auberdine (EU))
  • Русский
    If you want to contribute and translate the addon for your language feel free to create a branch and make pull request on GitHub (or you can just send me your .lua file via DM there or here on CurseForge).


Addon is still in developing stage. If you have any bugs please report them in the comments below or by opening Issue on GitHub (preferably)