



MooInspect-1.0 is a library that provides an API for asynchronous inspection of unit specialization, talents, and equipment.

The native API for asynchronous inspection uses NotifyInspect for an inspection request and waiting for the INSPECT_READY event to indicate the inspection data is available. However the server will drop all inspection requests originating from the account if too many requests are initiated in too short a period of time.

MooInspect-1.0 limits the frequency of calls to NotifyInspect and keeps a queue of pending inspection requests to send to the server while out of combat. When the inspection data from a request becomes available, the message MooInspect_InspectReady is fired.

API Methods


Queues an inspection request for a GUID.



  • guid - string: GUID


Cancels any pending inspection request for a GUID.



  • guid - string: GUID


Returns the number of seconds since the inspection data for a GUID was received from the server. If no inspection data has ever been received, then this returns nil.

age = lib:GetInspectAge(guid)


  • guid - string: GUID


  • age - number or nil: seconds since the data was received


Registers a function to handle the specified callback.

lib.RegisterCallback(handler, callback, method, arg)


  • handler - table/string: your addon object or another table containing a function at handler[method], or a string identifying your addon
  • callback - string: the name of the callback to be registered
  • method - string/function/nil: a key into the handler table, or a function to be called, or nil if handler is a table and a function exists at handler[callback]
  • arg - a value to be passed as the first argument to the callback function specified by method


  • If handler is a table, method is a string, and handler[method] is a function, then that function will be called with handler as its first argument, followed by the callback name and the callback-specific arguments.
  • If handler is a table, method is nil, and handler[callback] is a function, then that function will be called with handler as its first argument, followed by the callback name and the callback-specific arguments.
  • If handler is a string and method is a function, then that function will be called with the callback name as its first argument, followed by the callback-specific arguments.
  • If arg is non-nil, then it will be passed to the specified function. If handler is a table, then arg will be passed as the second argument, pushing the callback name to the third position. Otherwise, arg will be passed as the first argument.


Unregisters a specified callback.

lib.UnregisterCallback(handler, callback)


  • handler - table/string: your addon object or a string identifying your addon
  • callback - string: the name of the callback to be unregistered


MooInspect-1.0 provides the following callbacks to notify interested addons.


Fires when the inspection data for a GUID is available for talent and equipment queries.


  • guid - string: GUID


MooInspect-1.0 is released under the 2-clause BSD license.
