



MooZone-1.0 is a library that provides information about the type of zone in which your character located.

API Methods


Returns the type of zone your character is currenty in.

zone = lib:GetZone()


  • zone - string: the type of zone, one of:
    • "world" if in an open world zone,
    • "arena" if in an arena,
    • "battleground" if in a PVP battleground,
    • "dungeon" if in a manually-created dungeon group,
    • "raid" if in a manually-created raid group,
    • "scenario" if in a scenario,
    • "lfg_dungeon" if in a Dungeon Finder group,
    • "lfg_raid" if in a Raid Finder group.


Returns the localized zone name.

localizedZone = lib:GetLocalizedZone(zone)


  • zone - string: the type of zone, see GetZone


  • localizedZone - string: the localized zone name


Returns an iterator that gives key-value pairs of zone and localized zone name.

for zone, localizedZone in lib:ZoneIterator() do


Registers a function to handle the specified callback.

lib.RegisterCallback(handler, callback, method, arg)


  • handler - table/string: your addon object or another table containing a function at handler[method], or a string identifying your addon
  • callback - string: the name of the callback to be registered
  • method - string/function/nil: a key into the handler table, or a function to be called, or nil if handler is a table and a function exists at handler[callback]
  • arg - a value to be passed as the first argument to the callback function specified by method


  • If handler is a table, method is a string, and handler[method] is a function, then that function will be called with handler as its first argument, followed by the callback name and the callback-specific arguments.
  • If handler is a table, method is nil, and handler[callback] is a function, then that function will be called with handler as its first argument, followed by the callback name and the callback-specific arguments.
  • If handler is a string and method is a function, then that function will be called with the callback name as its first argument, followed by the callback-specific arguments.
  • If arg is non-nil, then it will be passed to the specified function. If handler is a table, then arg will be passed as the second argument, pushing the callback name to the third position. Otherwise, arg will be passed as the first argument.


Unregisters a specified callback.

lib.UnregisterCallback(handler, callback)


  • handler - table/string: your addon object or a string identifying your addon
  • callback - string: the name of the callback to be unregistered


MooZone-1.0 provides the following callbacks to notify interested addons when the zone type has changed.


Fires when the zone type in which the character is located changes.


  • oldZone - string: the previous zone type, see GetZone
  • newZone - string: the current zone type, see GetZone


MooZone-1.0 is released under the 2-clause BSD license.
