


This addon will send a message to general chat when you target a rare NPC on the Isle of Thunder and the Timeless Isle. The message will include the NPC's name, health percentage, and coordinates of the player when the NPC was spotted to give a general idea of its location. It updates general chat when the NPC has been killed. It comes with built-in flood protection set to 30 seconds. This is also sensitive to announcements by other players using this addon. You may retarget the NPC in order to update general chat during long fights. The flood timer still applies in this case.

The main advantage of this plugin is the the small movable window which displays every NPC killed during your current session. New announcements will update this window as NPCs respawn and die again. Rather than tracking specific spawn timers, this window displays the time since last kill. This window is sensitive to announcements by other players as long as the announcement is in the format "npc111111: name (0%)"

Please report bugs and feature requests using the tickets tab. I will respond to comments, but I prefer to track work in tickets. I work on this in my spare time because I enjoy it, not because I am obligated. I do not get paid for it. That being said, I certainly wouldn't turn down a free beer.

Frequently Asked Questions

-Nirgali of The Vigilant Watch, Feathermoon