


Error, not sure what for

kingreboot opened this issue · 2 comments


2x MountsJournal\config\About.lua:104: attempt to index global 'Settings' (a nil value)
[string "@MountsJournal\config\About.lua"]:104: in main chunk

addon = "MountsJournal"
L =

About = "About"
Help with translation of %s. Thanks. = "Help with translation of %s. Thanks."
Zones with flags = "Zones with flags"
types = "Types"
ZoneSettingsTooltipDescription = "Creating a list of mounts for the zone.

Configuring zone flags.

Setting up relations to use one list of mounts in different zones."
Add tag = "Add Tag"
SecondMountTooltipTitle = "If the modifier is hold or “%s 2” is used:"
Run = "Run"
Swim = "Swim"
Shown: = "Shown:"
Reverse Sort = "Reverse Sort"
WaterWalkFlagDescription = "Used to configure some classes."
Select all mounts by type in selected zone = "Select all mounts by type in the selected zone"
factions = "Factions"
NoPetInRaid = "Do not summon battle pet in raid group"
With multiple models = "With only multiple models"
Set current filters as default = "Set current filters as default"
PET_4 = "Without Pet"
CHARACTER_CLASS_DESCRIPTION = "(character settings override class settings)"
UseUnderlightAnglerDescription = "Use Underlight Angler instead of underwater mounts."
Fly = "Fly"
UseMagicBroomTitle = "Use Magic Broom"
Random available mount = "Random available mount"
Are you sure you want to delete profile %s? = "Are you sure you want to delete profile "%s"?"
Restore default filters = "Restore default filters"
ConfigPanelTitle = "Global settings"
Default = "Default"
MOUNT_TYPE_1 = "Flying"
SecondMountTooltipDescription = "If you are in water then will be summoned non-waterfowl mount.

If you are on land and you can fly then will be summoned ground mount."
Favorites First = "Favorites First"
PET_3 = "With Pet"
CopyMountTarget = "Try to copy target's mount"
UseHerbMounts = "Use Mount for Herbalism"
sources = "Sources"
UseRepairMountsDescription = "If the durability of at least one item is less than the specified percentage, the selected mount will be summoned."
Water Walking = "Water Walking"
UseHerbMountsOnZones = "Only in Herb Gathering Zones"
CreateMacroTooltip = "The created macro is used to summon the selected mounts."
= (equal to) = "= (equal to)"
A profile with the same name exists. = "A profile with the same name exists."
ListMountsFromZone = "Use list of mounts from zone"
Initial x-axis accseleration = "Initial X-axis Accseleration"
CLASS_USEWHENCHARACTERFALLS = "Use the %s when the character falls"
Fly backwards = "Fly backwards"
HerbGatheringFlagDescription = "Used to configure use of Mount to Herbalism."
Profile settings = "Profile settings"
Enable Acceleration around the X-axis = "Enable Acceleration around the X-axis"
DRUID_USEDRUIDFORMSPECIALIZATION = "Return a specialization form"

(more than) = "> (more than)"
Normal mount summon = "Normal mount summon."
Hidden by player = "Hidden by player"
CLASS_USEWATERWALKINGSPELL = "Use the %s when summoning ground mount"
CLASS_USEONLYWATERWALKLOCATION = "Use only in water walk zones"
ZoneSettingsTooltip = "Zone settings features"
Y-axis accseleration = "Y-axis Accseleration"
Are you sure you want to delete animation %s? = "Are you sure you want to delete animation "%s"?"
By Specialization = "By Specialization"
In flyable zones = "In flyable zones"
< (less than) = "< (less than)"
Auto add new mounts to selected = "Auto add new mounts to selected"
Herb Gathering = "Herb Gathering"
Create = "Create"
Profiles = "Profiles"
Enable Flags = "Enable Flags"
Zones settings from default profile = "Zones settings from default profile"
Walk = "Walk"
Pet binding from default profile = "Pet binding from default profile"
Current Location = "Current Location"
UseMagicBroomDescription = "When "Hallow's End" event is active, if you have a "Magic Broom", it is used."
Are you sure you want %s? = "Are you sure you want "%s"?"
Click opens in = "Click opens in"
Modifier = "Modifier"
Collected: = "Collected"
With all tags = "With All Tags"
Ground Mounts Only = "Ground Mounts Only"
Map / Model = "Map / Model"
author = "Author"
PET_1 = "With Random Favorite Pet"
Class settings = "Class settings"
Localization Transl


on version v10.0.0-beta1. I now just noticed this is the DF version that wowup grabbed for retail


so, closed :)