Draewind <> Silver Hand US <> Alliance
This page last updated: 22SEP2015
Mounty uses one macro slot to operate 18 mounts.
That macro is a macro for mounting/dismounting and exiting vehicles.
The Macro Icon will be the in-game icon of the mount which will be (is being) used by the macro.
Do not name another macro with the name of ten (10) blank spaces. Mounty uses this name to identify the Mounty macro.
Why use Mounty? Quick History:
Mounty was originally created with the WotLK expansion. At the time, flying mounts could not be mounted in non-flying areas, and the mount icons were broken.
They would not "grey out" when they could not be used. You would try to mount a flying mount and be denied, then you would switch to a ground mount that you could ride and try to mount.
The Blizzard UI was broken badly concerning mounts after the expansion, so Mounty was created to overcome this difficulty.
It was a long hard labor finding every nook and cranny of Northrend and evaluating whether a flying mount could be used.
Eventually Blizzard fixed most of the issues (except Wintergrasp) and then there was Vashj'ir and a another set of problems.
Most all mounts can now be mounted anywhere, whether flight is enabled or not. Little thought needs to be given to whether we can even use a mount in a specific area.
Previously, the training, location and mount were all tied together to even get a mount to operate, and they operated at differing speeds.
Blizzard solved most of their problems by finally just making them all work everywhere at the same speed. Not something that was available to us in the past.
The original use for Mounty is now gone, but many folks (such as myself) still have use for it. We like to mount a flying mount when we can, and a riding mount when we can not.
The original utility is still there. Mounty creates a macro. When you are in an area where you cannot fly, then pressing the macro will give you a ground mount (or the mount you have chosen as a ground mount).
When you are in an area where you can fly, then the macro will operate your flying mount (or the mount you have chosen for flying areas).
When you are in an area where you can fly, and you Right-Click the macro, it will mount your selected ground mount.
< < Basic Use > >
Left click will select your ground or flying mount, dependent upon your ability at the location.
Right-Click will select your ground mount.
(The macro icon will only show an icon for the mount summoned on a Left-Click.)
When mounted, clicking the macro will dismount you (exit from vehicles or garrison ability).
Mounty has a feature called SafeFly that will not allow you to accidentally dismount while flying. To dismount while flying requires a right click of the macro.
To set your ground mount. Mount-up on the mount you would like for your ground mount and type /mty ride.
To set your flying mount. Mount-up on the mount you would like for your flying mount and type /mty fly.
Note: To facilitate keybinding, holding down the [ALT] Key when clicking the macro will act as a right click.
A [SHIFT]Click feature was added. If you press the [SHIFT] Key, the macro will show either your shift-ground or shift-flying mount icon.
I have placed my repair mount as both my shift-ground and shift-flying mount. I hold the shift key down when operating the macro and mount my repair mount, regardless of whether I can fly or not.
Shift mounts work the same as the other right and left click mounts, only they are called if the [SHIFT] Key is depressed when the macro is used.
You set the shift mounts in the same way as the ground and flying mounts,
but you hold the [SHIFT] Key down when pressing [ENTER] after typing /mty ride or /mty fly.
Additinal Mouse Buttons Added:
Mounty now works with up to 9 mouse buttons and the Shift modifier key ... totaling 18 possible mounts. The right and left clicks work as before.
If you are mounted, any button except Right-Click will act as a left click. Depressing the [ALT] when operating will act as a Right-Click.
I have my water-walking mount set to my middle-click option. I middle click the macro to mount the water-walking mount.
You set buttons 3(middle) through 9 with /mty # (where # = 1 through 9)
/mty fly = /mty 1 = /mty left
/mty ride = /mty 2 = /mty right
/mty 3 = /mty middle
The Macro will appear as it always has, and mounty will work as it has always, with the left and right click behavior.
Type /mty clear to erase all mounts selected for buttons 4 through 9.
Currently will dismount from Garrison Abilities but not mount them.
Mounty does not currently support flight forms.
/mty - Rewrites the <Mounty Macro> and shows TOP menu. /mounty - same as /mty.
/mty reset - Resets the Mounty Addon.
/mty info - Shows ability and speed information.
/mty set - Shows settings and all selected mounts.
/mty menu - Shows FULL MENU of slash commands.
/mty enable - Enables Mounty (for the current character).
/mty disable - Disables Mounty (for the current character).
/mty safe - Toggles "SafeFly" on and off. SafeFly on requires a Right-Click to dismount when flying. (On is Default)
/mty char - Uses the perCharacter macro tab for the Mounty Macro.
/mty gen - (Default) Uses the General macro tab for the Mounty Macro.
/mty clear - Clears all selected mounts from mouse buttons 4 through 9.
/mty save - Saves the characters mount selection to a faction-specific account-wide file and a backup.
/mty copy - Copies (loads) the saved selections (Account-wide Faction Specific).
Every time a change is made to your selcted mounts, a backup copy of your selections is made automatically.
Mounty now stores your selctions from the last change made.
/mty restore - Restores the mount selctions to the last change made.
/mty recover - Restores the mount selctions to the last change made.
In the undersea world of VASHJ'IR:
if you have the Abbysal Seahorse mount, Mounty will mount the Abbysal Seahorse on a left click,
And try to mount the normal flying mount on a [SHIFT]Click.
The right click function will still mount your riding mounts (Yes, you can ride in the undersea world).
GETTING STARTED: (reiterate general use)
To set your current mount to the macro's Normal Flying Mount - Mount up and type /mty fly
(Hold down the [SHIFT] Key when pressing [ENTER], and the mount will be set as your Shift-flying mount.)
To set your current mount to the macro's Normal Riding Mount - Mount up and type /mty ride
(Hold down the [SHIFT] Key when pressing [ENTER], and the mount will be set as your Shift-riding mount.)
After your mounts are set, open the Macro frame and drag the macro with your mount's icon to the action bar.
That is it ... click to use. (Or Right-Click, [SHIFT]Click, [ALT]Click, [ALT][SHIFT]Click ... hehe)
NOTE: In a flyable area, the macro will only show the flying mounts (normal and shift). Right-Clicking will use the riding mounts (normal and shift).
Pressing the [ALT] Key will show the mount used on Right-Click, and act as if the macro were Right-Clicked though another mouse button were pressed.
- Only the left and right mouse buttons are affected by the flyable logic which is displayed by the macro icon.*
Initially, Mounty will automatically fill in macro mounts for the flying and riding (left and right mouse buttons) from your list of mounts.
The player may then select a riding and a flying mount desired, as well as any mount to be used when clicking the macro with any of 9 mouse buttons.
MOUNT your selected mount so that it is ACTIVE and then enter following slash command:
/mty fly - Selects the currently active flying mount for the Mounty Macro.
/mty ride - Selects the currently active riding mount for the Mounty Macro.
/mty left - same as /mty fly
/mty right - same as /mty ride
/mty middle - Selects the currently active mount for the Mounty Macro when pressed by the middle mouse button.
/mty 1 - same as /mty fly
/mty 2 - same as /mty ride
/mty 3 - same as /mty middle
/mty # (4 through 9) Selects the currently active mount for the Mounty Macro when pressed by mouse button #.
To set a mount as the [Shift] Mount, use the procedure above, but hold down the Shift Key when pressing [Enter] for the slash command.
/mty clear - Clears all selected mounts from mouse buttons 4 through 9.
/mty save - Saves the characters mount selection to a faction-specific account-wide file and a backup.
/mty copy - Copies (loads) the saved selections (Account-wide Faction Specific).
Every time a change is made to your selcted mounts, a backup copy of your selections is made automatically.
Mounty now stores your selctions from the last change made.
/mty restore - Restores the mount selctions to the last change made.
/mty recover - Restores the mount selctions to the last change made.
If you are NOT MOUNTED, clicking on the macro will:
LEFT-CLICK : Mount the selected flying mount (if it is usable) or else the selected riding (non-flying) mount.
RIGHT-CLICK : Mount the selected riding (non-flying) mount. (Vehicle mounts are included.)
MIDDLEBUTTON or Mouse Buttons 4 through 9: Mount the selected mount for that button.
- Holding down the [ALT] Key while clicking the macro, will behave the same as a RIGHT CLICK.
- Holding down the [SHIFT] Key while clicking the macro will call the Shift mount for the button clicked.
If you ARE MOUNTED or in a vehicle:
SafeFly <ON> (/mty safe - Toggles "SafeFly" on and off.)
ANY MOUSE BUTTON CLICK EXCEPT RIGHT-CLICK: Dismounts if riding, the macro will not dismount while flying unless it is right clicked.
RIGHT-CLICK: Forces dismounting, even when flying.
- Holding down the [ALT] Key while using the macro, will behave the same as a RIGHT CLICK.*
- Clicking the macro will EXIT ANY VEHICLE occupied by the player. There is no SafeFly for flying vehicle mounts.*
SafeFly <OFF> (/mty safe - Toggles "SafeFly" on and off.)
Clicking the macro will dismount the player from his mount or EXIT ANY VEHICLE occupied by the player.
The Macro may be created and maintained in the General Macro list, or in the perCharacter Macro List.
Since Mounty will change and maintain the macro for each character, the macro need not be kept "per character" list.
Using the General Macro List will take one macro slot for all of your characters, instead of one for each of them.
Mounty will maintain the macro under the General Tab by default.
Mounty will disable itself if there is no room for the Mounty Macro (it will change to General or perCharacter to find space).