MoveAny (Edit Mode, Windows and Ui)

MoveAny (Edit Mode, Windows and Ui)


Bug Report: Issue Saving Profile in MoveAny Addon

Ci303 opened this issue · 3 comments


Issue Description:
When attempting to save a profile within the MoveAny addon, the following error occurs, preventing the profile from being saved:

3x ...ddOns/Blizzard_EditMode/Mainline/EditModeManager.lua:1273: attempt to index field 'highestLayoutIndexByType' (a nil value)
[string "@Blizzard_EditMode/Mainline/EditModeManager.lua"]:1273: in function `MakeNewLayout'
[string "@Blizzard_EditMode/Mainline/EditModeDialogs.lua"]:44: in function <...ddOns/Blizzard_EditMode/Mainline/EditModeDialogs.lua:37>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@Blizzard_SharedXML/Mainline/SharedUIPanelTemplates.lua"]:1073: in function <...izzard_SharedXML/Mainline/SharedUIPanelTemplates.lua:1069>

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open the MoveAny addon.
  2. Attempt to save a profile (e.g., a layout named "GoodBase").
  3. Observe the error message preventing the save operation.

Expected Result:
The profile should be saved successfully without any errors.

Actual Result:
An error occurs, and the profile is not saved. The error log indicates an issue with the function MakeNewLayout in the EditModeManager.lua file, specifically with the field highestLayoutIndexByType, which appears to be nil.

Error Details:

  • File: Blizzard_EditMode/Mainline/EditModeManager.lua
  • Line: 1273
  • Error: attempt to index field 'highestLayoutIndexByType' (a nil value)


  • self: Various elements of EditModeManagerFrame (e.g., LayoutDropdown, SaveChangesButton, GridSpacingSlider, etc.)
  • newLayoutInfo: Contains the layout details (layoutName, layoutIndex, layoutType, systems)
  • Key Variables:
    • layoutType: 1
    • layoutName: "GoodBase"
    • newLayoutIndex: nil

Additional Notes:
The issue appears to stem from an uninitialised or nil value in highestLayoutIndexByType. This may need to be properly set or initialised before the MakeNewLayout function is called to avoid the error.

Steps Taken to Troubleshoot:

  • Verified that the issue consistently occurs when attempting to save a new layout profile.
  • Observed that the issue does not appear to be linked to specific layout settings, suggesting a potential code logic issue in the profile-saving function.

Consistently reproducible.

Potential Workarounds:
None identified at this time. Further investigation or a patch may be required to handle the initialisation of highestLayoutIndexByType.

System Information:

  • Game Version: [Insert Version]
  • Addon Version: [Insert Version]
  • Operating System: [Insert OS]

A fix is needed to address the nil reference in EditModeManager.lua. Ensuring highestLayoutIndexByType is properly initialised may resolve this issue.


do you created a custom profile before going to moveany?
or is it not retail?

