- 1
IsCtrlKeyDown error
#30 opened by Bendder - 2
Cannot Purchase in Trading post
#31 opened by rionshin - 13
Tried to call the protected function StatusBar:Show()
#33 opened by Xorag - 2
can't move Chatframe 1 to edge
#32 opened by MubarakHAlketbi - 8
DK Stance bar
#1 opened by StijnDeWinter - 1
How to move FPS counter?
#2 opened by scalp42 - 8
Mounts -> Appearances
#3 opened by BlindsidedGames - 2
Loot Roll Frame scaling
#4 opened by Alkotronikk - 2
Extra Ability Frame still visible, even when unchecked.
#5 opened by alpineboi20 - 2
Minimap border missing with new update
#6 opened by swampylogs - 2
Power Bar Missing
#7 opened by alpineboi20 - 1
Hide Talking Head Frame Broken
#8 opened by alpineboi20 - 1
Default bags stacking.
#10 opened by Tigon3rd - 1
Bug after last update (v0.9.36 (2022-12-01))
#9 opened by Mikolascz - 3
Map selection off-center with other map addons after update
#11 opened by Nicktentjr - 2
Some frame can't be moved
#12 opened by couturierb - 1
Separate UI Error message and Quest progress?
#13 opened by Miha23833 - 2
Shaman Totembar - WOTLK
#14 opened by Jao99 - 4
WoW classic: "RightClickSelfCast" not working with all ActionBars
#15 opened by AzucarSalado - 2
WoW Classic: When moving the Buffs window, it automatically resizes itself to a small 50x50 size
#16 opened by denumerable - 2
there is no options window and get some lua errors
#17 opened by AzucarSalado - 0
Feature Request: Enable/Disable window resizing with right click
#18 opened by DogukanAltay - 0
Enhancement: Move Cast Bar Timer
#19 opened by Xorag - 1
cant save
#20 opened by CasualSpec - 9
Passenger vehicle UI issue with addon enabled
#22 opened by Xorag - 5
v1.5.4 issues with target of target and minimap button
#21 opened by Xorag - 3
Any wiki, tutorial or command list?
#25 opened by comonier - 2
Some UI elements not hiding when pressing alt-z on WotLK
#23 opened by johanbv - 6
TalkingHeadDialog anchor can't be moved or interacted with
#24 opened by LazinessEvolved - 1
Mocking BagsBar causes errors in other addons
#26 opened by Hati- - 2
Option to suppress shared frame warning at log in
#27 opened by Xorag - 3
10.1.7 Lua Error when entering combat
#28 opened by Xorag - 2
Masque incompatibilities
#29 opened by kstange - 3
map window wont move anymore
#34 opened by pat1812 - 2
Move: "Archivment, Guild, Statistic" window
#35 opened by homezonebenny - 3
WoW Classic Era V.1.15.2 Update - Request Stop Button
#36 opened by maximus210793 - 2
Addon broken after v.1.6.213
#37 opened by erikbrgn - 2
MoveAny only shows: "Settings Frame is not created" and LUA error
#38 opened by Crotha - 7
Unable to scale ObjectiveTrackerFrame
#39 opened by skjetne - 4
expansion landing page button
#40 opened by swallowsoul - 8
Lue error
#41 opened by ZodPTR - 8
Invisible window
#42 opened by ZodPTR - 2
tips always spamming
#43 opened by Amerigowarlock - 3
Bug Report: Issue Saving Profile in MoveAny Addon
#44 opened by Ci303 - 2
Can't hide raid manager
#45 opened by Gaboros - 3
Can't Hide ExpansionLandingPageMinimapButton
#46 opened by SisrenWarrior