


Allows a player to use a radial HUD to assign spells for tracking cooldowns / linked procs.

Can be positioned anywhere on the screen, though it is designed more to sit around your character for more immediate spell feedback.


- Primary and Secondary radial frames to assign spells to watch.

- Set as movable allow for the Primary/Secondary radial frames to be positioned in the parentUI. Movable pet frames/shard counter (for lock only atm) etc.

- Passive Totems can be selected for timer tracking.

- Linked spells: Drag the base spell from the spellbook to the linked spells options page to then assign a proc that affects the base spell.
    eg: The Demonic Core buff for DemonBolt

- Position timers / count / cooldown timers by setting the mode to moveable and using the Font options.

- Spell Icons can be turned into clickable buttons if one so chooses via the settings panel (come on clickers use hotkeys! :) )

See wiki for more details.

Special Frames:
Warlock custom shard counter frame (can be hidden).

Warlock Pet frames (can be hidden).

Slash Commands:

/mr move     :switch the UI into moveable mode

/mr lock       :switch the UI into the locked state

/mr options :open the options panels

Special thanks to:
Iuzen: for braving the early early dev on this and giving feedback/feature requests.