Simple WoW Addon for importing Method Raid Tools notes into the game.
I no longer have anyone in my household that plays WoW, so updates will be sporadic.
Please raise/upvote a github issue if this breaks, and I will try and find a way to get access to a wow account again to fix it.
If the TOC just needs an update for a new patch, please raise a pull request if you know what to change, or raise a github issue with the ingame output from /dump select(4, GetBuildInfo())
so I know what TOC number to bump to.
See the Joardee Video on Assignment sheets for a usage example, as well a set of compatible assignment spreadsheets.
Get it from all good wow addon providers !
Or directly from the releases here on github.
In game, run /mrtni
, and paste JSON into the window. The JSON should be formatted like
"NoteName1": "This is the first note",
"NoteName2": "This is the second note",
"NoteName3": "This is the third note\nWith a linebreak\nAnd another one"}
For example
"Flame Leviathan": "Kill robot tank thing",
"Razorscale": "Kill dwarves.\nThen dragon.",
"Ingis": "Kill big fire thing."
Alternatively, it can be a Base64 encoding of the JSON. So importing. ewogICAgIjEgLSBBbnViIjogIktpbGwgYmlnIHVuZGVhZCB0aGluZ1xuQW5vdGhlciBsaW5lIGFib3V0IHRoZSB1bmRlYWQgdGhpbmcuIiwKICAgICIyIC0gR3JhbmQgV2lkb3ciOiAiS2lsbCB3b21hbiBhbmQgd29yc2hpcGVycyIsCiAgICAiMyAtIE1hZXh4bmEiOiAiS2lsbCBiaWcgc3BpZGVyIHRoaW5nIgp9
is the similar to the example above.
If the import string starts with {
and ends with }
, it will be parsed as JSON. Otherwise, as Base64 encoded JSON.
You can also click the "Fetch Notes" button to export the notes you currently have in MRT in the JSON format.
Note, importing notes will REPLACE all your existing notes with these new ones. Your current notes will be lost. You should export them first if you want to preserve them.
Options for feedback include.
- Raise a Github issue or Pull request.