



As of 0.6.5, the format I store profiles in changed, so when you update there is a possibility that your profiles may have disappeared. I have detailed how to back up profiles before updating in the change log for 0.6.5.  I apologize if you lose your profiles, this shouldn't happen again in the future, I don't intend to change the format again. 

Multi-Talented is a simple Talent Profile Addon. It provides both chat commands and currently a simple* GUI for creating and quickly switching between user made profiles on a character to character basis, or class to class basis as of version 0.6.5. 

*simple GUI meaning it works, and doesn't look absolutely terrible. The GUI is a W.I.P

This is my first Addon, meant to be a learning experience, a small show of what I can do as a programmer, and a hopefully useful tool for anyone who may be interested.

If anyone is interested in the project, I have started a Github Repo for it at:

I would love to hear feedback about the addon, as well as requests through either Github or the comments here! I intend to work on this as a side project, but it is definitely not a full time deal for me currently.


/mtalent - Bring up MultiTalented Gui

/mt_debug - Toggle debug messages in chat

/mt_save <profile name> - Save a profile

/mt_set <profile name> - Choose a profile

/mt_remove <profile name> - Delete a profile

/mt_list - List all profiles

/mt_version -  Display current Addon version