Murb Cata Consumes

Murb Cata Consumes


Basic addon that generates/updates macros based on your inventory for Healthstone, Drinking, Mana Pot and Health Pot.

Macros are called "Drink," "ManaPot," "HealthPot," and "HealthStn"

The best item of each type will be chosen for the macros as your bag contents update.

It's convenient to have dedicated spots on your bars for these consumes that always auto-update to the actual best item type you have in your bags, and this also keeps the icon on your bars and its tool-tip correct for the item type you're currently using, such as the specific rank Fel Healthstone you have.

Originally created by Murbella/Krattan who shared it on the Priest discord.  I updated it to support some missing TBCC consumes, and then finally updated it for Wrath and published it here.
Updated for Cataclysm.  Healthstone macro support left in to not disturb existing UIs, even though there is only one Healthstone item in Cata.