Distance and Speed (Kilometres)

Distance and Speed (Kilometres)


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DistanceTracker: A World of Warcraft Addon for Tracking Travel Distance and Speed


  • Tracks distance traveled for each character in the game
  • Displays distance in Kilometres, a widely recognized and easily understood unit of measurement
  • Provides real-time tracking of in-game travel distance
  • Also tracks the speed at which characters are traveling in kilometres per hour


  • Allows players to monitor their progress and explore the game world more effectively
  • Offers a sense of accomplishment as players see their distance traveled increase
  • Provides valuable insights into the player's in-game travels, helping them make more informed decisions about where to go next
  • The straightforward design and reliable tracking system make DistanceTracker an essential tool for enhancing the World of Warcraft gaming experience

Description: DistanceTracker is a World of Warcraft addon that helps players keep track of their in-game travel distance. The addon tracks the distance a character has traveled and displays it in Kilometres, offering players a clear and concise understanding of how far they have explored the game world. Additionally, DistanceTracker also tracks the speed at which characters are traveling in kilometres per hour, making it an indispensable tool for players looking to maximize their gaming experience.