Mylune's Champions

Mylune's Champions


Don't underestimate your little critters!

Mylune's Champions will add some more personality to your companions, mounts, and combat pets by adding auto-emotes as reactions on other emotes or on events such as low health of their master. In addition, it adds chat commands to easily create manual emotes for your companions (/ce), mounts (/mte), and combat pets (/pe).


  • You are at low health: "Nyyr's companion Mr. Chilly tries to save its master. Rwarrr!"
  • You cheer at your companion: "Nyyr's companion Mr. Chilly is excited and squeaks."

Create your own companion personality!
There is an in-game editor which allows you to easily personalise existing personalities or to create completely new ones. Play around!

Multilanguage Support!
Personalities are currently available in English (enUS) and German (deDE). If you are interested in maintaining personalities for another language, send me a PM!

Mylune needs you!
Satisfied with your new creation? Like to share it with others players? Just open a ticket and attach your configuration file to it! You can find your configuration file for this addon in "World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<your account name>\SavedVariables\MylunesChampions.lua".