Mylune's Champions

Mylune's Champions


Make the "mount/companion/pet" preface optional... #3

nyyr opened this issue ยท 3 comments


slippycheeze created this issue Dec 15, 2013

Right now Mylune's Champions produces messages that look like this:

Larelina's companion Stinky Skunk loves you. Larelina's mount Giant Horse plays poker.

That actually reads as a pretty cumbersome sentence to me; I would much rather it dropped the "companion", "mount", etc, string saying what sort of thing it was, and just posted the emote:

Larelina's Stinky Skunk loves you. Larelina's Giant Horse plays poker.

That is, in util_companions.lua:93, change from local preface = self.LG["COMPANION"] .. name .. " " to local preface = name .. " ". (Plus the corresponding changes to mounts and pets, I imagine. :)


slippycheeze posted a comment Dec 16, 2013

Would you accept a patch if I wrote one -- either adding an option for this, or just making the change unconditionally? If so, would you indicate which is preferable? (Also, if you prefer some method other than patch attached here ;)


nyyr posted a comment Dec 17, 2013
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Yes, feel free to create a patch. A configuration option is mandatory, though (default: display additional preface). Reason is some gender / grammatical issue in German in some cases.

I'm not yet sure whether this should be a global option or an option per pet/mount. What do you think?

Do you have any lua-references (own projects)?. If so, I could consider adding you as a contributor if I'm convinced by you coding style and if you like ;)


nyyr posted a comment Dec 16, 2013
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Thanks for the suggestion. ETA maybe in January.