by Cixi@Remulos (Classic Oceanic)
A WoW Classic Addon that shows your progress towards level 60.
Displays 2 different percentages:
- The percentage of your total xp gained against the total xp required to go through all levels.
- The percentage of your total (same-level) mob kills done against the total (same-level) mob kills required to get to 60.
- Also displays the hypothetical number of mobs left to kill to get to 60
Note that this is not indicative of how much play time it will take to reach 60, as kills and quests have larger XP returns at higher levels.
It does however give a funny and very scary idea of how much of a grind this game we all love is!
For every percent (of the total XP / total kills) you reach you get a message in game
1. Copy the "Progress" folder into \Interface\AddOns\
2. Restart WoW
3. type /progress in game to see your progress