




Myslot is a World of Warcraft Addon for transferring settings between accounts.

Myslot can export your ActionBar Layout, Marcos and Key Bindings as a transfer-friendly text. Any character, even different class, can use Myslot to import those settings from the 'Exported text'



  1. Use command /myslot to toggle Myslot main UI
  2. Click the 'Export' button
  3. Save the exported text anywhere you want (e.g. nodepat as a txt)


  1. Use command /myslot to toggle Myslot main UI
  2. Paste exported text into textbox
  3. Click the 'Import' button

Clean up tools

  1. Clear all action slot on your action bar

    /myslot clear action

  2. Clear all key bindings (blizzard default included)

    /myslot clear binding

Get Myslot


Source on Github <;


Localization is welcomed, Please visit <; and submit your localization

Build your own Myslot

My game envirment is Ubuntu + wine

  • fetch the source code

``` $ git clone

$ cd myslot

$ git submodule init

$ git submodule update ```

  • pull the localizations from wowace


  • build your own dist .zip


Changing Protobuf def

Myslot use a modified version of lua-pb to serialize/deserialize the data. You may want to change the data structure sometimes if you want add some new things to export.

  • Dependencies

Your need install lpeg to build .proto

luarocks install lpeg

  • Generate

Editing protobuf/MySlot.proto


lua buildast.lua

to generate PbMySlot.lua for game use

Copyright and License

  1. Copyright (C) 2009-2019 by Boshi Lian <[email protected]>
  2. Use of this software for profit purposes are NOT allowed except by prior arrangement and written consent of the author.
  3. This software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  4. All rights of Exported text are owned by end-users.