- 1
Update 1.15.5 - Classic Era 20th Anniversary
#72 opened by maximus210793 - 0
Pet Bars being erased on import to another hunter
#71 opened by jamesbearclaw - 2
Duplication of General Macros
#70 opened by Surarn - 3
Bug? Ignore unlearned skill Switch Flight Style (SpellID 460003)
#69 opened by leifan8440 - 2
WoW Classic Era Update - Version 1.15.4
#66 opened by maximus210793 - 2
[feature] Backup on import
#65 opened by Goten87 - 8
bug? mounts
#64 opened by Addonman - 4
Suggestion minimapicon
#63 opened by Addonman - 1
[Question] Export function
#62 opened by Goten87 - 2
option to disable the minimap button
#61 opened by StefanLE1979 - 1
cant import anything
#60 opened by Fleymour - 1
i use it export and import in the same role, it have errors
#59 opened by angelhappyboy - 7
Can't tranfer ActionBars from RU to EN
#57 opened by Dahgoth - 1
load ProfileName no longer works
#55 opened by tg123 - 5
Lua error 5.17.0
#53 opened by zeenk - 2
duplicate macros after import
#51 opened by axbcn - 1
TWW Beta
#48 opened by Actual - 0
extend support to pet action bar
#45 opened by tg123 - 1
WoW Classic Era Update - Version 1.15.2
#44 opened by maximus210793 - 1
[Request] Close UI with ESC
#43 opened by zeenk - 9
deleted all my settings
#40 opened by Goten87 - 5
Classic Era Update 1.15.0 (Season of Discovery)
#39 opened by maximus210793 - 4
Broken all macro slots when saving
#38 opened by fisken1991 - 8
doesn't put macros on action bars
#37 opened by Asilartus - 2
can not found in curse
#36 opened by zhb005 - 3
WoW Classic Era Update [Version 1.14.4]
#35 opened by maximus210793 - 3
Lua error as of latest patch
#34 opened by lukasani94 - 8
limit of 50?
#33 opened by AbooseYou - 1
Put unlearned skills on bars
#32 opened by matthewmerendo - 3
LUA Error
#31 opened by westlakem - 1
WoWUp compatability
#30 opened by Yitaarli - 7
How to swap profile using a macro?
#29 opened by fisken1991 - 1
Ignore Rank of spells
#28 opened by michael-lucas-net - 2
DF Moonkin: New Moon talent
#27 opened by hewozuoai - 1
Do you have any plans to add class-specialization-based auto-import?
#26 opened by backcho - 4
Profiles by Name
#25 opened by gz2k2 - 4
Make addon importable in WoWup
#24 opened by Faycop - 4
Script ran too long
#23 opened by Faycop - 1
It is not exporting macro binds from
#22 opened by hasnogaems - 0
macro changed while recovering
#20 opened by tg123 - 1
What action bars it is compatible with?
#19 opened by hasnogaems - 3
Enhancement: Export/Import Talents
#18 opened by hewozuoai - 3
Ignore Macros unexpected behavior
#17 opened by trying-to-function - 7
Macros duplicated
#16 opened by trying-to-function - 1
v25 to v30 迁移
#14 opened by ccorzlol - 1
Not able to put unlearned abilitys on bars?
#13 opened by hasnogaems - 3
#12 opened by willingxu - 3
#11 opened by fang2hou - 2
EquipmentSets index should start at 0
#10 opened by lynxhug - 2
#9 opened by wowmacro