


Feature Request

Epi1278 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Hello! I couldn't find any other way to request this feature, but adding the option to show Threat Percentage on Enemy Status Text would be something I'd really love to see! It was possible with Tidy Plates: Threat, but the theme hasn't been updated for BFA.
Thank you!


So I created a quick widget for this, but since I'm not sure what it used to look like with Tidy Plates: Threat, it is currently just a plain text box with your current threat percentage.
Here's a quick preview of it
Threat Preview

Still need to set it up for all the other themes but wanted to see if I was on the right track with this beforehand.


Hello! I was using old tidy plates for so long. Only thing that i miss when using TP continued is health percentage on EVERY mob around me. I only see status text on target or mouseover. It would be very nice if you change it asap:)


@vodrinker If you look under 'Health Bar View' there is an option called "Show Status Text on Active/Damaged Units", this is what you are looking for.


That looks perfect! Exactly what I was looking for :D


This is now included in the latest release which can be found here or here.