


UI Error

Bredn opened this issue ยท 2 comments


When i hit Darkeye Bonecaster in Trisfal = Agamand Mills with my Priest long range skill i got this error . Because mob have frostbolt cast .
Message: Interface\AddOns\NeatPlatesHub\functions\Alpha.lua:31: attempt to compare number with nil
Time: Sun Sep 15 01:20:06 2019
Count: 27
Stack: Interface\AddOns\NeatPlatesHub\functions\Alpha.lua:31: attempt to compare number with nil
Interface\AddOns\NeatPlatesHub\functions\Alpha.lua:31: in function <Interface\AddOns\NeatPlatesHub\functions\Alpha.lua:29>
(tail call): ?
Interface\AddOns\NeatPlatesHub\functions\Alpha.lua:173: in function SetAlpha' Interface\AddOns\NeatPlates\NeatPlatesCore.lua:831: in function <Interface\AddOns\NeatPlates\NeatPlatesCore.lua:828> Interface\AddOns\NeatPlates\NeatPlatesCore.lua:957: in function <Interface\AddOns\NeatPlates\NeatPlatesCore.lua:904> Interface\AddOns\NeatPlates\NeatPlatesCore.lua:1338: in function ?'
Interface\AddOns\NeatPlates\NeatPlatesCore.lua:1120: in function <Interface\AddOns\NeatPlates\NeatPlatesCore.lua:1119>

Locals: unit =

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I think this should be fixed in the latest release, but I'm not sure if I found the actual cause of it. If it keeps appearing for you please do tell me.


I updated and its fixed . Ty so much !