


Health bar - level show issue

yah467958 opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Hello fellas!
I don't know if it's a bug or no, but lately neat plates show level of the characters even if that option is unmarked, and to be honest its very annoying. Any solutions?


Not sure if this is what you might be having an issue with, but in a recent update subtext was added as an option to the regular bar mode. And in the subtext dropdown list there are some options that include the ability to show level.
So if the level is located underneath the name but, usually, above the nameplate it would be from that option.

If this isn't the case I would need more information on how to reproduce this issue and which theme and version of WoW this is happening on.


Hmm.. That is definitely the subtext that I mentioned before, but I'm not able to reproduce this on my end no matter what I try.

Have you tried setting the value to something other than none and then changing it back? And that the profile that you are checking this in is the one that is currently used by your character?


Yes I tried that, also I re-uninstalled add-on and still nothing.

Nope, I using healer profile as well so I don't think it's profile fault + it's same on another characters.

Maybe I just should reroll to old version?


Could you possibly link me or post the contents of your NeatPlatesHub.lua file located in 'World of Warcraft/_retail/WTF/Account/accountID/SavedVariables' so I can completely rule out it being related to the settings in anyway.


Unfortunately it isn't it :(

Theme it's neon


Here it is:

NeatPlatesHubSettings = {
["HubPanelProfileHealer"] = {
["TextShowOnlyOnActive"] = false,
["WidgetAuraSort"] = 1,
["TextShowOnlyOnTargets"] = false,
["ColorFriendlyBarMode"] = 1,
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["UnitSpotlightLookup"] = {
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["WidgetPandemic"] = false,
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["ColorEnemyStatusTextMode"] = 1,
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["StyleEnemyBarsNoTotem"] = false,
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["b"] = 0.9019588232040405,
["g"] = 0.9019588232040405,
["r"] = 0.9019588232040405,
["ColorHighHealth"] = {
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["StyleFriendlyBarsOnActive"] = true,
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["FriendlyBarColorMode"] = "ByHealth",
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["TextHealthTextMode"] = 1,
["FocusAsTarget"] = false,
["UnitSpotlightOpacity"] = 1,
["StyleFriendlyMode"] = 2,
["OpacityFilterLookup"] = {
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["StyleEnemyBarsOnNPC"] = false,
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["g"] = 0.05490183830261231,
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["UnitSpotlightList"] = "",
["HighHealthThreshold"] = 0.7,
["OpacityFilterPartyMembers"] = false,
["WidgetRangeIndicator"] = false,
["WidgetOffsetX"] = 0,
["EnemyStatusTextMode"] = "HealthFunctionPercent",
["ColorAttackingOtherTank"] = {
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["ColorUnIntpellCast"] = {
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["OpacityFilterEnemyNPC"] = false,
["StatusTextLeft"] = 8,
["StyleEnemyBarsNoMinions"] = false,
["EmphasizedAuraLookup"] = {
["UnitSpotlightScale"] = 1.4,
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["b"] = 0.9999977946281433,
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["EnemyNameColorMode"] = "ByClass",
["TextShowLevel"] = false,
["ColorMediumHealth"] = {
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["r"] = 0.9999977946281433,
["WidgetTargetHighlight"] = true,
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["ThreatGlowEnable"] = false,
["WidgetBuffEnrage"] = false,
["TextShowServerIndicator"] = true,
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["WidgetAuraTrackPoison"] = true,
["ScaleIgnoreNeutralUnits"] = false,
["ColorLowHealth"] = {
["a"] = 0.9999977946281433,
["b"] = 0,
["g"] = 0,
["r"] = 0.9999977946281433,
["CustomColorLookup"] = {
["WidgetComboPointsScaleOptions"] = {
["y"] = 1,
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["r"] = 0.4313715994358063,
["HighlightFocusScale"] = {
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["HighlightTargetScale"] = {
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["OpacitySpotlightSpell"] = false,
["WidgetThreatPercentage"] = false,
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["WidgetMyBuff"] = true,
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["WidgetMyDebuff"] = true,
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["StyleEnemyBarsOnActive"] = false,
["ColorPartyAggroGlow"] = false,
["ColorHostilePlayer"] = {
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["r"] = 0.9999977946281433,
["CustomFocusColor"] = false,
["FriendlyStatusTextMode"] = "HealthFunctionPercent",
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["ColorIntpellCast"] = {
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["r"] = 0.9999977946281433,
["WidgetDebuffLookup"] = {
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["r"] = 0.9019588232040405,
["AuraScale"] = 1,
["ColorPartyMember"] = {
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["g"] = 0.6588220596313477,
["r"] = 0.2352935969829559,
["FriendlyHeadlineColor"] = "ByClass",
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["r"] = 0.03529404103755951,
["EnemyHeadlineColor"] = "ByClass",
["ScaleSpotlight"] = 1,
["CastbarDurationMode"] = "None",
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["WidgetRangeStyle"] = 1,
["ScaleCastingSpotlight"] = true,
["StyleFriendlyBarsOnNPC"] = false,
["WidgetDebuffFilter"] = 2,
["HideAuraInHeadline"] = false,
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["HubPanelProfileDMG"] = {
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["StyleEnemyBarsInstanceMode"] = false,
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["StyleEnemyBarsOnElite"] = true,
["StyleEnemyBarsNoTotem"] = false,
["IntCastWhoEnable"] = true,
["OpacityFilterFriendlyNPC"] = true,
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["a"] = 0.9999977946281433,
["b"] = 0,
["g"] = 0.8666647672653198,
["r"] = 0.03529404103755951,
["EnemyHeadlineColor"] = "ByReaction",
["ScaleSpotlight"] = 1,
["HideAuraDuration"] = false,
["ColorFocus"] = {
["a"] = 0.9999977946281433,
["b"] = 0.4313715994358063,
["g"] = 0.4313715994358063,
["r"] = 0.4313715994358063,
["TextColorBoss"] = {
["a"] = 0.7999982237815857,
["b"] = 0.1019605621695519,
["g"] = 0.8509784936904907,
["r"] = 0.9999977946281433,
["ThreatMode"] = 1,
["UnitSpotlightOpacityEnable"] = true,
["WidgetRangeStyle"] = 1,
["ScaleCastingSpotlight"] = false,
["StyleFriendlyBarsOnNPC"] = false,
["StatusTextCenter"] = 5,
["ColorRangeOOR"] = {
["a"] = 0.9999977946281433,
["b"] = 0.0745096430182457,
["g"] = 0.05490183830261231,
["r"] = 0.9019588232040405,


I figured out what was going on, the subtext wasn't updating its content properly when it automatically swapped between styles(Headline/Bar mode) as opposed to when it's changed in the settings.

So this should be fixed in the latest release.


Awesome to hear that! Good work :)


Hello once again!

After latest update unfortunately problem is still there :<
And so far what i noticed is that if i target someone level
magically disappears


Well targeting or mousing over a unit will trigger an update of the plates, so it makes sense that it goes away if it just simply isn't updating correctly.

But I just can't seem to recreate this issue any more in the latest update. However, while looking at the code I can only think of one other possible cause of what you are describing. So I'll create a new release with that fix and hopefully this goes away for good.



Finally level gone ๐Ÿ’ƒ Awesome job mate!